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This is normally not a problem. But when we have another method that requires a list, we must convert that tuple.
To transform types, we have many options in Python. Often we employ built-in methods like str or int or float. But sometimes custom methods are needed.
Tuple, list. This program creates a tuple with three elements. It then converts that tuple into a list with the list() method. This call returns (naturally) a list.
Result: The program shows that the two collections are separate. They occupy different locations in memory.
List: The list built-in method copied all the tuple's elements into a separate, new collection.
Based on: Python 3 Python program that converts tuple to list vegetables = ("carrot", "squash", "onion") # Convert to list. veg2 = list(vegetables) veg2.append("lettuce") # Print results. print(vegetables) print(veg2) Output ('carrot', 'squash', 'onion') ['carrot', 'squash', 'onion', 'lettuce']
Tuple, string. A tuple can be converted into a single string. This is best done with the string join method. Join() is called on a delimiter string.
Tip: We pass Join() a tuple, and the result is a string containing the tuple's items.
Python program that converts tuple, string tup = ("rabbit", "mouse", "gorilla", "giraffe") # Join tuple with no space. s = "".join(tup) print(s) # Join tuple with slash. s = "/".join(tup) print(s) Output rabbitmousegorillagiraffe rabbit/mouse/gorilla/giraffe
List, string. Lists can also be converted into strings with the join method. This code sample is the same as one that converts a tuple, but it uses a list.
Separators: We join() together the strings with no separator, and with a semicolon.
Tip: Join can handle any iterable collection, not just tuples and lists. Try it with a set.
Python program that converts list, string vehicles = ["car", "truck", "tractor"] # Convert list to string with join. result = "".join(vehicles) # Convert with semicolons separating strings. result2 = ";".join(vehicles) print(result) print(result2) Output cartrucktractor car;truck;tractor
Dictionary, list. With the list() method, we can also convert a dictionary to a list. There is some complexity here. When we call items() on a dictionary, we get a view.
And: A view is different from a list. It cannot be manipulated in the same ways.
Items: We get a view of the dictionary with items() and then convert that to a list. So we actually convert the dictionary to a list.
Tip: With dictionary views, we can change the order. For example, we can use the sorted() method to reorder elements in a view.
Python program that converts dictionary vegetables = {"carrot": 1, "squash": 2, "onion": 4} # Convert dictionary to list of tuples. items = list(vegetables.items()) for item in items: print(len(item), item) Output 2 ('carrot', 1) 2 ('squash', 2) 2 ('onion', 4)
Int built-in. Numbers can be converted to different types. In many languages this is called explicit casting. In Python we use a method syntax, such as int(), to do this.
Int: This method receives a number and returns the integral form of that number.
So: If we pass 1.5 to int(), it will return 1. It always removes the fractional part of the number.
Python program that converts to int floating = 1.23456 # Convert to int and print. print(floating) print(int(floating)) Output 1.23456 1
Int, string. A number is converted into a string with str. And a string is converted into a number with int. In this example, we do these two conversions.
And: We show the value types by using them. We use len() on the string and add one to the number.
So: The string "123" has three characters. And the number 123 is increased to 124 when we add one to it.
Python program that converts int, string # Convert number to string. number = 123 value = str(number) # Print the string and its character count. print(value) print(len(value)) # Convert string to number. number2 = int(value) # Print the number and add one. print(number2) print(number2 + 1) Output 123 3 123 124
Class, string. We can specify how a class is converted to a string with the __repr__ method. This method returns a string. We can have it return values of fields in the class.
Note: The repr and str methods (with no underscores) are used on instances of a class. If the __repr__ method is defined, it will be used.
Tip: Classes like list also have repr (representation) methods. This is why you can directly print a list.
Python that converts class to string class Test: def __init__(self): self.size = 1 self.name = "Python" def __repr__(self): # Return a string. return "Size = " + str(self.size) + ", Name = " + str(self.name) t = Test() # Str and repr will both call into __repr__. s = str(t) r = repr(t) # Display results. print(s) print(r) Output Size = 1, Name = Python Size = 1, Name = Python
String, chars. We can get the chars from a string with a list comprehension. This syntax uses an inner loop expression to loop over each char in the string. This results in a list of chars.
Python that gets list of chars value = "cat" # Get chars from string with list comprehension. list = [c for c in value] print(list) Output ['c', 'a', 't']
Bytes, string. Python 3 has the space-efficient bytes type. We can take a string and convert it into bytes with a built-in. We provide the "ascii" encoding as a string argument.
Decode: To convert from the bytes data back into a string, we can use the decode method. We again must provide an encoding string.
Python that converts bytes, string # Convert from string to bytes. value = "carrot" data = bytes(value, "ascii") print(data) # Convert bytes into string with decode. original = data.decode("ascii") print(original) Output b'carrot' carrot
Bytes, megabytes. A number in one unit, like bytes, can be converted into another, like megabytes. Here we divide by 1024 twice. Further conversions (bytes, gigabytes) are possible.
Note: Large files have many bytes. In an interface, displaying this number is awkward and hard to read.
Convert: One megabyte contains 1024 kilobytes. And 1 kilobyte contains 1024 bytes.
So: To get from bytes to megabytes, we divide by 1024, and then by 1024 again: two divisions are needed.
And: To go from kilobytes to megabytes, we need just one division by 1024. This is simple, but testing is important.
Python that converts bytes, megabytes def bytestomegabytes(bytes): return (bytes / 1024) / 1024 def kilobytestomegabytes(kilobytes): return kilobytes / 1024 # Convert 100000 bytes to megabytes. megabytes1 = bytestomegabytes(100000) print(100000, "bytes =", megabytes1, "megabytes") # 1024 kilobytes to megabytes. megabytes2 = kilobytestomegabytes(1024) print(1024, "kilobytes =", megabytes2, "megabytes") Output 100000 bytes = 0.095367431640625 megabytes 1024 kilobytes = 1.0 megabytes
A summary. Conversions in Python use many syntax forms. Some conversions are numeric. These can be done with mathematical methods or arithmetic.
Often, conversions are encapsulated in a method definition. And for compound types such as collections, the Python language provides many built-in methods to convert, such as list().