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F# Files: open System.IO, use StreamReader
F# Record Examples: Type, With Keywords
F# Recursion Example: rec Keyword
F# Option int Example: IsNone, IsSome and Value
F# dict: Dictionary Examples, Item and Keys
F# IndexOf String Examples: LastIndexOf and Contains
F# Failwith: Exception Handling
F# Type Example: member, get and set
F# Remove Duplicates From List (Seq.distinct)
F# Printfn Examples: printf, Formats
F# Math Operators: abs, floor and ceil
F# Convert String, Int, Array and Seq
F# Downcast and upcast Example
F# String Examples: String.map
F# Seq Examples: Seq.sum, Seq.where
F# Measure Example: Units of Measurement
F# Fun Keyword: Lambda Expressions, Functions
F# For and While Loop Examples: For To, For In
F# Let Keyword: let mutable, Errors
F# Sort List Examples: sortBy, Lambdas
F# List Examples, String Lists