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Everything you need to know about c-sharp.


C# ContainsValue Method (Value Exists in Dictionary)

C# ContextMenuStrip Example

C# Normalize, IsNormalized Methods

C# continue Keyword

C# Control: Windows Forms

C# File.Open Examples

C# Null String Example

C# null Keyword

C# Windows Forms Controls

C# File.ReadAllBytes, Get Byte Array From File

C# Nullable Examples

C# NullReferenceException and Null Parameter

C# File.ReadAllLines, Get String Array From File

C# Object Array

C# Color Table

C# Convert Char Array to String

C# File.ReadAllText, Get String From File

C# Obsolete Attribute

C# Color Examples: FromKnownColor, FromName

C# ColorDialog Example

C# Comment: Single Line and Multiline

C# Concat Extension: Combine Lists and Arrays

C# Conditional Attribute

C# Console Color, Text and BackgroundColor

C# String Clone() method

C# Convert Char to String

C# Convert Days to Months

C# File.ReadLines, Use foreach Over Strings

C# File.Replace Method

C# FileInfo Length, Get File Size

C# FileInfo Examples

C# StreamReader ReadLine, ReadLineAsync Examples

C# readonly Keyword

C# Aggregate: Use Lambda to Accumulate Value

C# AggressiveInlining: MethodImpl Attribute

C# Multidimensional Array

C# MultiMap Class (Dictionary of Lists)

C# Anagram Method

C# Recursion Example

C# And Bitwise Operator

C# Regex, Read and Match File Lines

C# Regex Groups, Named Group Example

C# Anonymous Function (Delegate With No Name)

C# Any Method, Returns True If Match Exists

C# Regex.Matches Quote Example

C# StringBuilder Append and AppendLine

C# Optimization

C# StringBuilder AppendFormat

ASP.NET appSettings Example

C# ArgumentException: Invalid Arguments

C# Regex.Matches Method: foreach Match, Capture

C# File Handling

C# Filename With Date Example (DateTime.Now)

C# FileNotFoundException (catch Example)

C# FileStream Length, Get Byte Count From File

C# Convert String to Byte Array

C# FileStream Example, File.Create

C# FileSystemWatcher Tutorial (Changed, e.Name)

C# finally Keyword

C# String Format

C# String Replace() method

C# Sum Method: Add up All Numbers

C# Switch Char, Test Chars With Cases

C# Switch Enum

C# String Split() method

C# String StartsWith() method

C# String SubString() method

C# System (using System namespace)

C# Partial Types

C# Tag Property: Windows Forms

C# Iterators

C# TextInfo Examples

C# TextReader, Returned by File.OpenText

C# Delegate Covariance

C# Delegate Inference

C# Array.ConvertAll, Change Type of Elements

HelpProvider Control Use

C# SplitContainer: Windows Forms

C# SqlClient Tutorial: SqlConnection, SqlCommand

C# SqlCommand Example: SELECT TOP, ORDER BY

C# SqlCommandBuilder Example: GetInsertCommand

C# SqlConnection Example: Using, SqlCommand

C# SqlDataAdapter Example

C# SqlDataReader: GetInt32, GetString

C# SqlParameter Example: Constructor, Add

C# Array.Copy Examples

C# Array.CreateInstance Method

C# HTML and XML Handling

C# HtmlEncode and HtmlDecode

C# HtmlTextWriter Example

C# Array and Dictionary Test, Integer Lookups

C# HttpUtility.HtmlEncode Methods

C# HybridDictionary

C# String ToCharArray() method

C# Array.Exists Method, Search Arrays

C# default Operator

C# Func Object (Lambda That Returns a Value)

C# GC.Collect Examples: CollectionCount, GetTotalMemory

C# Path.GetDirectoryName (Remove File From Path)

C# goto Examples

C# Array.Find Examples, Search Array With Lambda

C# Array.ForEach: Use Lambda on Every Element

C# DefaultIfEmpty Method

C# HttpClient Example: System.Net.Http

C# Array Versus List Memory Usage

C# Define and Undef Directives

ASP.NET HttpContext Request Property

C# Stack Collection: Push, Pop

C# Static List: Global List Variable

C# Static Regex

C# Array Property, Return Empty Array

C# Destructor

C# Constructor Examples

C# Contains Extension Method

C# String GetTypeCode() method

C# String ToLowerInvariant() method

C# Customized Dialog Box

C# DataColumn Example: Columns.Add

C# DataGridView Add Rows

DataGridView Columns, Edit Columns Dialog

C# DataGridView Row Colors (Alternating)

C# DataGridView Tutorial

C# DataGridView

C# DataRow Examples

C# DataSet Examples

C# DataSource Example

C# DataTable Compare Rows

C# DataTable foreach Loop

C# DataTable RowChanged Example: AcceptChanges

C# DataTable Select Example

C# DataTable Examples

C# DataView Examples

C# OfType Examples

C# OpenFileDialog Example

C# operator Keyword

C# Odd and Even Numbers

C# BaseStream Property

C# Console.Beep Example

C# Bitwise Or

C# orderby Query Keyword

C# Benchmark

C# String ToUpperInvariant() method

C# String Trim() method

C# out Parameter

C# BinaryReader Example (Use ReadInt32)

C# OutOfMemoryException

C# BinaryWriter Type

C# BitArray Examples

C# BitConverter Examples

C# Bitcount Examples

C# OverflowException

C# Overload Method

C# Static String

C# First Sentence

C# Regex.Replace, Matching End of String

C# Regex.Replace, Remove Numbers From String

C# Anonymous Types

C# FirstOrDefault (Get First Element If It Exists)

C# Fisher Yates Shuffle: Generic Method

C# fixed Keyword (unsafe)

C# Flatten Array (Convert 2D to 1D)

C# Regex.Replace, Merge Multiple Spaces

C# Regex.Replace Examples: MatchEvaluator

C# Extension Methods

C# Query Expression

C# First Words in String

C# First (Get Matching Element With Lambda)

C# Regex.Split, Get Numbers From String

C# Partial Method

C# ContainsKey Method (Key Exists in Dictionary)

C# Regex.Split Examples

C# Regex Trim, Remove Start and End Spaces

C# Implicitly Typed Local Variable

C# Object and Collection Initializer

C# RegexOptions.Compiled

C# Auto Implemented Properties

C# Dynamic Binding

C# Named and Optional Arguments

C# Asynchronous Methods

C# Convert ArrayList to Array (Use ToArray)

C# RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Example

C# New Features | C# Version Features

C# Programs

C# Caller Info Attributes

C# Convert ArrayList to List

C# Convert Bool to Int

C# RegexOptions.Multiline

C# Using Static Directive

C# Convert Bytes to Megabytes

C# Region and endregion

C# Remove Char From String at Index

C# Exception Filters

C# DialogResult: Windows Forms

C# Dictionary, Read and Write Binary File

C# Array Examples, String Arrays

C# ArrayList Examples

C# ArraySegment: Get Array Range, Offset and Count

C# break Statement

C# Buffer BlockCopy Example

C# BufferedStream: Optimize Read and Write

IL Disassembler Tutorial

C# Intermediate Language (IL)

C# new Keyword

C# NotifyIcon: Windows Forms

C# NotImplementedException

C# Null Array

C# static Keyword

C# StatusStrip Example: Windows Forms

C# Dictionary Memory

C# Dictionary Optimization, Increase Capacity

404 Not Found

C# 24 Hour Time Formats

C# Dictionary Optimization, Test With ContainsKey

C# String Chars (Get Char at Index)

C# DictionaryEntry Example (Hashtable)

C# Directives

C# String GetType() method

C# Directory.CreateDirectory, Create New Folder

C# Directory.GetFiles Example (Get List of Files)

C# DivideByZeroException

C# DllImport Attribute

C# Do While Loop Example

C# CharEnumerator

C# Chart, Windows Forms (Series and Points)

C# CheckBox: Windows Forms

C# Await in Catch Finally Blocks

C# Increment String That Contains a Number

C# Increment, Preincrement and Decrement Ints

C# String ToString() method

C# String ToUpper() method

C# class Examples

Dot Net Perls

C# Indexer Examples (This Keyword, get and set)

C# Default Values for Getter Only Properties

C# Digit Separator

C# Clear Dictionary: Remove All Keys

C# Clone Examples: ICloneable Interface

C# Closest Date (Find Dates Nearest in Time)

C# Expression Bodied Members

C# DateTime.MinValue (Null DateTime)

C# DateTime.Month Property

C# Combine Arrays: List, Array.Copy and Buffer.BlockCopy

C# Combine Dictionary Keys

C# ComboBox: Windows Forms

C# IndexOutOfRangeException

C# Inheritance

C# Null Propagator

C# CompareTo Int Method

C# Comparison Object, Used With Array.Sort

C# Insert String Examples

C# int Array

C# String Interpolation

C# nameof operator

C# DateTime.Parse: Convert String to DateTime

C# DateTime Subtract Method

C# Compress Data: GZIP

C# Interface Examples

C# Interlocked Examples: Add, CompareExchange

C# Dictionary Initializer

C# 2D Array Examples

7 Zip Command Line Examples

C# 7 Zip Executable (Process.Start)

C# Decompress GZIP

C# Remove Duplicates From List

C# dynamic Keyword

C# Null Coalescing and Null Conditional Operators

C# Null List (NullReferenceException)

C# DayOfWeek

C# Remove Element

C# Pattern Matching

C# Tuples

C# Enum.Format Method (typeof Enum)

C# Enum.GetName, GetNames: Get String Array From Enum

C# Enum.Parse, TryParse: Convert String to Enum

C# stackalloc Operator

C# Deconstruction

C# Remove HTML Tags

C# Local Functions

C# ElementAt, ElementAtOrDefault Use

C# Error and Warning Directives

C# ErrorProvider Control: Windows Forms

C# Remove String

C# StackOverflowException

C# Program to swap numbers without third variable

C# Binary Literals

C# event Examples

C# Program to convert Decimal to Binary

C# Ref Returns and Locals

C# Encapsulate Field

C# Enum Array Example, Use Enum as Array Index

C# enum Flags Attribute Examples

C# IndexOf Examples

C# IndexOfAny Examples

C# Initialize Array

C# Get Every Nth Element From List (Modulo)

C# Excel Interop Example

C# StartsWith and EndsWith String Methods

C# Static Array

C# Program to Convert Number in Characters

C# Expression Bodied Constructors and Finalizers

C# Initialize List

C# InitializeComponent Method: Windows Forms

C# Numeric Casts

C# NumericUpDown Control: Windows Forms

C# object.ReferenceEquals Method

C# Object Examples

C# Optional Parameters

C# Except (Remove Elements From Collection)

C# Static Dictionary

C# Program to Print Alphabet Triangle

C# Expression Bodied Getters and Setters

C# Prime Number

C# Reserved Filenames

C# Program to print Number Triangle

C# Async Main

C# Default Expression

C# Inline Optimization

C# Override Method

C# Enum ToString: Convert Enum to String

C# enum Examples

C# Enumerable.Range, Repeat and Empty

C# Dictionary Equals: If Contents Are the Same

C# Dictionary Versus List Loop

C# Dictionary Order, Use Keys Added Last

C# Dictionary Size and Performance

C# Dictionary Versus List Lookup Time

C# Dictionary Examples

C# Get Directory Size (Total Bytes in All Files)

C# Directory Type

C# Distinct Method, Get Unique Elements Only

C# Divide by Powers of Two (Bitwise Shift)

C# Divide Numbers (Cast Ints)

C# DomainUpDown Control Example

C# Double Type: double.MaxValue, double.Parse

C# Environment Type

C# Main args Examples

C# All Method: All Elements Match a Condition

C# Alphabetize String

C# Alphanumeric Sorting

C# EventLog Example

C# PadRight and PadLeft: String Columns

C# Arithmetic Expression Optimization

C# Array.AsReadOnly Method (ObjectModel)

C# Array.BinarySearch Method

C# Map Example

ASP.NET MapPath: Virtual and Physical Paths

C# Get Paragraph From HTML With Regex

C# Array.Clear Examples

C# Exception Handling

C# explicit and implicit Keywords

C# Factory Design Pattern

C# File.Copy Examples

C# typeof and nameof Operators

C# string.Concat Examples

C# String Interpolation Examples

C# string.Join Examples

C# String Performance, Memory Usage Info

C# String Property

C# String Slice, Get Substring Between Indexes

C# String Switch Examples

C# String

C# StringBuilder Append Performance

C# Mask Optimization

C# MaskedTextBox Example

C# Parallel.For Example (Benchmark)

C# StringBuilder Cache

C# Math.Abs: Absolute Value

C# Parallel.Invoke: Run Methods on Separate Threads

C# Array.IndexOf, LastIndexOf: Search Arrays

C# Remove Duplicate Chars

C# IEqualityComparer

C# If Preprocessing Directive: Elif and Endif

C# If Versus Switch Performance

C# if Statement

C# Parameter Optimization

C# Parameter Passing, ref and out

C# params Keyword

C# int.Parse: Convert Strings to Integers

C# TextWriter, Returned by File.CreateText

C# this Keyword

C# ThreadPool

C# OrderBy, OrderByDescending Examples

C# Process Examples (Process.Start)

C# Thread Join Method (Join Array of Threads)

C# ThreadPool.SetMinThreads Method

C# TimeZone Examples

Panel, Windows Forms (Create Group of Controls)

C# Path Examples

C# Get Percentage From Number With Format String

ASP.NET PhysicalApplicationPath

C# PictureBox: Windows Forms

C# PNG Optimization

C# Position Windows: Use WorkingArea and Location

Visual Studio Post Build, Pre Build Macros

C# Get Title From HTML With Regex

C# ToArray Extension Method

C# ProfileOptimization

C# ProgressBar Example

C# ToCharArray: Convert String to Array

C# ToDictionary Method

C# Bool Methods, Return True and False

C# bool Sort Examples (True to False)

C# Stopwatch Examples

C# Stream

C# StreamReader ReadToEnd Example (Read Entire File)

C# StreamReader ReadToEndAsync Example (Performance)

C# StreamReader Examples

C# StreamWriter Examples

C# String Append (Add Strings)

C# Caesar Cipher

C# String Compare and CompareTo Methods

C# Cast Extension: System.Linq

C# Cast to Int (Convert Double to Int)

C# Cast Examples

C# catch Examples

C# String Constructor (new string)

C# Math.Ceiling Usage

C# return Keyword

C# Math.Floor Method

C# Program to generate Fibonacci Triangle

C# String TrimEnd() method

C# Math.Max and Math.Min Examples

C# String Compare() method

C# var Examples

C# virtual Keyword

C# void Method, Return No Value

C# volatile Example

C# WebBrowser Control (Navigate Method)

C# WebClient: DownloadData, Headers

C# Where Method and Keyword

C# Math.Pow Method, Exponents

C# String CompareOrdinal() method

C# String TrimStart() method

C# Math.Round Examples: MidpointRounding

C# String CompareTo() method

C# Math Type

C# Reverse String

C# String Concat() method

C# Max and Min: Get Highest or Lowest Element

C# Reverse Words

C# Reverse Extension Method

C# RichTextBox Example

C# String Contains() method

C# MemoryFailPoint and InsufficientMemoryException

C# String CopyTo() method

C# partial Keyword

C# ToBase64String (Data URI Image)

C# Path.ChangeExtension

C# Struct Versus Class

C# struct Examples

C# Path Exists Example

C# Path.GetExtension: File Extension

C# Path.GetRandomFileName Method

C# Pragma Directive

C# Predicate (Lambda That Returns True or False)

C# Pretty Date Format (Hours or Minutes Ago)

C# PreviewKeyDown Event

C# Substring Examples

C# Numeric Suffix Examples

C# switch Examples

C# Convert Degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit

C# Convert Dictionary to List

C# Convert Dictionary to String (Write to File)

C# Convert List to Array

C# Convert List to DataTable (DataGridView)

C# Convert List to String

C# Convert Miles to Kilometers

C# Convert Milliseconds, Seconds, Minutes

C# Convert Nanoseconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds

C# Console.Read Method

C# Console.ReadKey Example

C# Console.ReadLine Example (While Loop)

C# Console.SetOut and Console.SetIn

C# Intersect: Get Common Elements

C# InvalidCastException

C# InvalidOperationException: Collection Was Modified

C# Console.WindowHeight

C# DriveInfo Examples

C# IOException Type: File, Directory Not Found

C# Right String Part

C# RNGCryptoServiceProvider Example

C# Property Examples

C# PropertyGrid: Windows Forms

C# Protected and internal Keywords

C# Public and private Methods

C# Console.Write, Append With No Newline

C# Console.WriteLine (Print)

C# DropDownItems Control

C# IOrderedEnumerable (Query Expression With orderby)

C# is: Cast Examples

C# Remove Punctuation From String

C# Query Windows Forms (Controls.OfType)

C# Queryable: IQueryable Interface and AsQueryable

ASP.NET QueryString Examples

C# Queue Collection: Enqueue

C# const Example

C# Constraint Puzzle Solver

C# IComparable Example, CompareTo: Sort Objects

C# RadioButton Use: Windows Forms

C# ReadOnlyCollection Use (ObjectModel)

C# Recursion Optimization

C# Recursive File List: GetFiles With AllDirectories

C# ref Keyword

C# Reflection Examples

C# Regex.Escape and Unescape Methods

C# Count Characters in String

C# Count, Dictionary (Get Number of Keys)

C# IDictionary Generic Interface

C# IEnumerable Examples

C# IsFixedSize, IsReadOnly and IsSynchronized Arrays

C# Count Letter Frequencies

C# IList Generic Interface: List and Array

C# string.IsNullOrEmpty, IsNullOrWhiteSpace

C# IsSorted Method: If Array Is Already Sorted

C# ROT13 Method, Char Lookup Table

C# StringBuilder Examples

C# StringComparison and StringComparer

C# StringReader Class (Get Parts of Strings)

C# Count Extension Method: Use Lambda to Count

C# Image Type

C# ImageList Use: Windows Forms

C# string.Copy Method

C# CopyTo String Method: Put Chars in Array

C# value Keyword

C# Empty String Examples

C# ValueTuple Examples (System.ValueTuple, ToTuple)

C# ValueType Examples

C# String Equals Examples

C# String For Loop, Count Spaces in String

C# string.Intern and IsInterned

C# Variable Initializer for Class Field

C# String IsUpper, IsLower

C# String Length Property: Get Character Count

C# Token

C# String EndsWith() method

C# ToList Extension Method

C# String Equals() method

C# String IsNormalized() method

C# ToLookup Method (Get ILookup)

C# String Format() method

C# ToLower and ToUpper: Uppercase and Lowercase Strings

C# String IndexOf() method

C# TabControl: Windows Forms

TableLayoutPanel: Windows Forms

ToolStripContainer Control: Dock, Properties

C# ToolTip: Windows Forms

C# ToString Integer Optimization

C# String Insert() method

C# Take and TakeWhile Examples

C# Task Examples (Task.Run, ContinueWith and Wait)

C# Ternary Operator

C# Text Property: Windows Forms

C# TextBox.AppendText Method

C# TextBox Example

C# TextChanged Event

C# TextFieldParser Examples: Read CSV

C# ToString: Get String From Object

C# String Intern(String str) method

C# String IsInterned() method

C# ToTitleCase Method

C# TrackBar: Windows Forms

C# Tree and Nodes Example: Directed Acyclic Word Graph

C# TreeView Tutorial

C# String Normalize() method

C# Convert String Array to String

C# Jagged Array Examples

C# MemoryStream: Use Stream on Byte Array

C# MenuStrip: Windows Forms

C# int.MaxValue, MinValue (Get Lowest Number)

C# Program to reverse number

C# Modulo Operator: Get Remainder From Division

C# MonthCalendar Control: Windows Forms

C# Int and uint Types

C# Integer Append Optimization

C# Keywords

C# Label Example: Windows Forms

C# Lambda Expressions

C# LastIndexOf Examples

C# Last, LastOrDefault Methods

C# Convert TimeSpan to Long

C# Convert Types

C# join Examples (LINQ)

C# Multiple Return Values

C# Multiply Numbers

C# Mutex Example (OpenExisting)

C# Named Parameters

C# String GetEnumerator() method

C# String GetHashCode() method

C# KeyCode Property and KeyDown

C# namespace Keyword

C# NameValueCollection Usage

C# Nested Lists: Create 2D List or Jagged List

C# Nested Switch Statement

C# Copy Dictionary

C# KeyNotFoundException: Key Not Present in Dictionary

C# KeyValuePair Examples

C# Environment.NewLine

C# Let Keyword (Use Variable in Query Expression)

C# Levenshtein Distance

C# Regex Versus Loop: Use For Loop Instead of Regex

C# Regex.Match Examples: Regular Expressions

C# RemoveAll: Use Lambda to Delete From List

C# Replace String Examples

ASP.NET Response.BinaryWrite

ASP.NET Response.Write

C# Return Optimization: out Performance

C# Count Elements in Array and List

C# SelectMany Example: LINQ

C# Sentinel Optimization

C# SequenceEqual Method (If Two Arrays Are Equal)

C# Shift Operators (Bitwise)

C# Short and ushort Types

C# Single Method: Get Element If Only One Matches

C# SingleOrDefault

C# Singleton Pattern Versus Static Class

C# Singleton Class

C# sizeof Keyword

C# Skip and SkipWhile Examples

C# Sleep Method (Pause)

C# Sort Dictionary: Keys and Values

C# String Literal: Newline and Quote Examples

C# LinkLabel Example: Windows Forms


C# List Add Method, Append Element to List

C# List AddRange, InsertRange (Append Array to List)

C# List Clear Example

C# List Contains Method

C# List Remove Examples

C# List Examples

C# ListBox Tutorial (DataSource, SelectedIndex)

C# ListView Tutorial: Windows Forms

C# SaveFileDialog: Use ShowDialog and FileName

C# Scraping HTML Links

C# sealed Keyword

C# Seek File Examples: ReadBytes

C# select new Example: LINQ

C# ThreadStart and ParameterizedThreadStart

C# Extension Method

C# StringBuilder Capacity

C# extern alias Example

C# StringBuilder Clear (Set Length to Zero)

C# StringBuilder Data Types

C# StringBuilder Performance

C# Select Method (Use Lambda to Modify Elements)

C# StringBuilder Equals (If Chars Are Equal)

C# StringBuilder Memory

C# Convert Feet, Inches

C# StringBuilder ToString: Get String From StringBuilder

C# Serialize List (Write to File With BinaryFormatter)

C# Maze Pathfinding Algorithm

C# Memoization

C# Memory Usage for Arrays of Objects

C# MessageBox.Show Examples

C# Method Call Depth Performance

C# Method Parameter Performance

C# Method Size Optimization

C# throw Keyword Examples

C# Timer Examples

C# TimeSpan Examples

C# StringWriter Class

C# async, await Examples

C# Attribute Examples

C# Average Method

C# BackgroundWorker

C# base Keyword

C# String Between, Before, After

C# Binary Representation int (Convert, toBase 2)

C# BinarySearch List

C# bool Array (Memory Usage, One Byte Per Element)

C# bool.Parse, TryParse: Convert String to Bool

C# bool Type

C# Change Characters in String (ToCharArray, For Loop)

C# FromOADate and Excel Dates

C# Char Combine: Get String From Chars

C# Generic Class, Generic Method Examples

C# char.IsDigit (If Char Is Between 0 and 9)

C# CSV Methods (Parse and Segment)

C# GetEnumerator: While MoveNext, Get Current

C# GetHashCode (String Method)

C# Thumbnail Image With GetThumbnailImage

C# char.IsLower and IsUpper

C# Character Literal (const char)

C# DataRow Field Method: Cast DataTable Cell

C# GetType Method

C# Global Variable Examples (Public Static Property)

ASP.NET Global Variables Example

C# Char Lowercase Optimization

C# Char Test (If Char in String Equals a Value)

C# char.ToLower and ToUpper

C# Get Day Count Elapsed From DateTime

C# DateTime Format

C# Group By Operator: LINQ

GroupBox: Windows Forms

C# char Examples

C# DateTime.Now (Current Time)

C# GroupBy Method: LINQ

C# GroupJoin Method

C# Array Length Property, Get Size of Array

C# GZipStream Example (DeflateStream)

C# abstract Keyword

C# Action Object (Lambda That Returns Void)

C# DateTime.Today (Current Day With Zero Time)

C# DateTime.TryParse and TryParseExact

C# DateTime Examples

C# DateTimePicker Example

C# Debug.Write Examples

C# Visual Studio Debugging Tutorial

C# decimal Examples

C# HashSet Examples

C# Hashtable Examples

C# delegate Keyword

C# descending, ascending Keywords

C# while Loop Examples

C# Whitespace Methods: Convert UNIX, Windows Newlines

C# XmlReader, Parse XML File

C# XmlTextReader

C# XmlTextWriter

C# XmlWriter, Create XML File

C# XOR Operator (Bitwise)

C# yield Example

C# File.Delete

C# File Equals: Compare Files

C# File.Exists Method

C# TrimEnd and TrimStart

C# True and False

C# Truncate String

C# String ToLower() method

C# History

C# Features

C# Variables

C# Data Types

C# float Numbers

C# Settings.settings in Visual Studio

C# Shuffle Array: KeyValuePair and List

C# Single and Double Types

C# try Keyword

C# TryGetValue (Get Value From Dictionary)

C# Tuple Examples

C# Trim Strings

C# String IsNullOrEmpty() method

C# Type Class: Returned by typeof, GetType

C# Word Count

C# Thread Methods

C# String IsNullOrWhiteSpace() method

C# Single Instance Windows Form

C# TypeInitializationException

C# String Join() method

C# Word Interop: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word

C# String LastIndexOf() method

FlowLayoutPanel Control

C# Focused Property

C# FolderBrowserDialog Control

C# Font Type: FontFamily and FontStyle

C# FontDialog Example

C# for Loop Examples

C# foreach Loop Examples

ForeColor, BackColor: Windows Forms

C# Form: Event Handlers

C# Contains String Method

C# Union: Combine and Remove Duplicate Elements

C# XElement Example (XElement.Load, XName)

C# String LastIndexOfAny() method

C# Snippet Examples

C# Sort DateTime List

C# Sort List With Lambda, Comparison Method

C# Sort Number Strings

C# Sort Examples: Arrays and Lists

C# SortedDictionary

C# SortedList

C# SortedSet Examples

C# Unreachable Code Detected

C# Unsafe Keyword: Fixed, Pointers

C# Uppercase First Letter

C# Uri and UriBuilder Classes

C# String PadLeft() method

C# Split String Examples

C# Zip Method (Use Lambda on Two Collections)

C# String PadRight() method

C# Nullable

C# String Copy() method

C# Using Alias Example

C# using Statement: Dispose and IDisposable

C# File.Move Method, Rename File

C# String Remove() method

C# Array.Resize Examples

C# Array.Sort: Keys, Values and Ranges

C# Operators

C# Keywords

C# Button Example

C# Byte Array: Memory Usage, Read All Bytes

C# Byte and sbyte Types

C# Capacity for List, Dictionary

C# Case Insensitive Dictionary

C# case Example (Switch Case)

C# Char Array

C# Array.Reverse Example

C# Random Lowercase Letter

C# Random Paragraphs and Sentences

C# Array Slice, Get Elements Between Indexes

C# Array.TrueForAll: Use Lambda to Test All Elements

C# Random String

C# Checked and Unchecked Keywords

C# ArrayTypeMismatchException

C# as: Cast Examples

C# Random Number Examples

C# Assign Variables Optimization

C# ASCII Table

C# ASCII Transformation, Convert Char to Index

C# CheckedListBox: Windows Forms

C# AsEnumerable Method

C# AsParallel Example

ASP.NET AspLiteral

C# Line Count for File

C# Sort by File Size

C# Line Directive

C# Sort, Ignore Leading Chars

C# Sort KeyValuePair List: CompareTo

C# LinkedList

C# Sort Strings by Length

C# List CopyTo (Copy List Elements to Array)

C# List Equals (If Elements Are the Same)

C# List Find and Exists Examples

C# List Insert Performance

C# Thread.SpinWait Example

ASP.NET LiteralControl Example

C# Locality Optimizations (Memory Hierarchy)

C# lock Keyword

C# Long and ulong Types

C# Loop Over String Chars: Foreach, For

C# Loop Over String Array

C# Math.Sqrt Method

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