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Items: Select the status strip control on your form, and in the Properties pane look through the entries there and select Items.
Labels: In the Items window you can add things to the StatusStrip. Add new ToolStripStatusLabels and a hyperlink.
And: We can change this, and right-align a label. Here are the steps required to configure the StatusStrip.
Spring: To right-align things on a StatusStrip we add a "spring" in between the left and right items.
Tip: The Items Collection Editor dialog is pictured in the screenshot here. It will look different in your version of Visual Studio.
Tip: To add a hyperlink, you can use a regular status label. You can make it a hyperlink later.
Finally: On the right side of the Items Collection Editor dialog, you will see another grid list.
Then: Scroll to Text and type in the text of your link. Set the IsLink property to true.
Process: To start a web browser, we will need to use the Process.Start method in System.Diagnostics.
ProcessTip: In the new Click event handler, add the inner line here. You can directly access System.Diagnostics.
Implementation of Click event handler: C#
private void toolStripStatusLabel3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Launch The Dev Codes website.
// ... You should change the URL!