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C# String Concat() method

C# String Concat() method for beginners and professionals with examples on overloading, method overriding, inheritance, aggregation, base, polymorphism, sealed, abstract, interface, namespaces, exception handling, file io, collections, multithreading, reflection etc.

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C# String Concat()

The C# Concat() method is used to concatenate multiple string objects. It returns concatenated string. There are many overloaded methods of Concat().


public static string Concat(String, String)
public static string Concat(IEnumerable<String>)
public static string Concat(Object)
public static string Concat(Object, Object)
public static string Concat(Object, Object, Object)
public static string Concat(Object, Object, Object, Object)
public static string Concat(params Object[])
public static string Concat(String, String, String)
public static string Concat(String, String, String,?String)
public static string Concat(params String[])
public static string Concat<T>(IEnumerable<T>)


It takes two String object arguments.


It returns a string object.

C# String Concat() Method Example

using System;  
    public class StringExample  
        public static void Main(string[] args)  
             string s1 = "Hello ";  
             string s2 = "C#";  


Hello C#

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