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Tip: The method shown here is not focused on performance, but rather being reliable and simple to understand and debug.
And: After this, we examine performance issues, but many programs will not need in-depth performance tuning here.
C# program that removes duplicate chars
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
string value1 = RemoveDuplicateChars("The Dev Codes");
string value2 = RemoveDuplicateChars("Google");
string value3 = RemoveDuplicateChars("Yahoo");
string value4 = RemoveDuplicateChars(".NET Framework 3.5 SP1");
string value5 = RemoveDuplicateChars("Line1\nLine2\nLine3");
static string RemoveDuplicateChars(string key)
// Remove duplicate chars using string concats.
// ... Store encountered letters in this string.
string result = "";
foreach (char value in key)
// See if character is in the result already.
if (result.IndexOf(value) == -1)
// Append to the result.
result += value;
return result;
Dot NePrls
.NET Framewok35SP1
IndexOf: The IndexOf method in the RemoveDuplicateChars method is notable here. If the specific character is not found, it returns -1.
IndexOfNote: Thanks to Nicolas Siatras for helping improve the string-based method here. Only 1 string is needed in the method.
And: It fills these arrays as it goes along, instead of appending to strings. It avoids many string copies this way.
Note: In some cases, you can use lookup tables (or even Dictionary) to optimize.
DictionarySo: You could only scan the result string instead of using a separate table. This would be faster.
Result: The version that uses char arrays (RemoveDuplicateCharsFast) is many times faster than the string version.
C# program that benchmarks duplicate char methods
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class Program
const int _max = 1000000;
static void Main()
var s1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < _max; i++)
string value = RemoveDuplicateChars("datagridviewtips");
if (value == null)
var s2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < _max; i++)
string value = RemoveDuplicateCharsFast("datagridviewtips");
if (value == null)
Console.WriteLine(((double)(s1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000) /
_max).ToString("0.00 ns"));
Console.WriteLine(((double)(s2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000) /
_max).ToString("0.00 ns"));
static string RemoveDuplicateChars(string key)
// See comments in first example.
string result = "";
foreach (char value in key)
if (result.IndexOf(value) == -1)
result += value;
return result;
static string RemoveDuplicateCharsFast(string key)
// Remove duplicate chars using char arrays.
int keyLength = key.Length;
// Store encountered letters in this array.
char[] table = new char[keyLength];
int tableLength = 0;
// Store the result in this array.
char[] result = new char[keyLength];
int resultLength = 0;
foreach (char value in key)
// Scan the table to see if the letter is in it.
bool exists = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tableLength; i++)
if (value == table[i])
exists = true;
// If the letter is new, add to the table and the result.
if (!exists)
table[tableLength] = value;
result[resultLength] = value;
// Return the string at this range.
return new string(result, 0, resultLength);
529.37 ns RemoveDuplicateChars
143.59 ns RemoveDuplicateCharsFast (char[] arrays)