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And: We apply the MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining option to Method2. This is an enum.
Result: We see that with no options, the method calls required seven nanoseconds each.
But: With inlining specified (with AggressiveInlining), the calls required less than one nanosecond each.
C# program that uses AggressiveInlining
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
class Program
const int _max = 10000000;
static void Main()
// ... Compile the methods.
int sum = 0;
var s1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < _max; i++)
sum += Method1();
var s2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < _max; i++)
sum += Method2();
Console.WriteLine(((double)(s1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000) /
_max).ToString("0.00 ns"));
Console.WriteLine(((double)(s2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000) /
_max).ToString("0.00 ns"));
static int Method1()
// ... No inlining suggestion.
return "one".Length + "two".Length + "three".Length +
"four".Length + "five".Length + "six".Length +
"seven".Length + "eight".Length + "nine".Length +
static int Method2()
// ... Aggressive inlining.
return "one".Length + "two".Length + "three".Length +
"four".Length + "five".Length + "six".Length +
"seven".Length + "eight".Length + "nine".Length +
7.34 ns No options
0.32 ns MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining
And: If a method is called only once in an enclosing method, it may help to inline it even if it is large.
However: If a large method is called in many places in a program, inlining it will reduce locality of reference and may ruin performance.
Locality of Reference