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ToFeetInches: The ToFeetInches method receives a double of the number of total inches.
DoubleInfo: The feet part is the Key of a KeyValuePair. And the inches part is the Value.
KeyValuePairNote: The feet is an integer computed by dividing by 12. The inches part is computed with modulo division.
C# program that converts to feet and inches
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void Main()
var result = ToFeetInches(70.0);
result = ToFeetInches(61.5);
result = ToFeetInches(72.0);
static KeyValuePair<int, double> ToFeetInches(double inches)
return new KeyValuePair<int, double>((int)inches / 12, inches % 12);
[5, 10]
[5, 1.5]
[6, 0]
So: Instead of 70 inches, you could display 5 foot 10. This is more familiar for some users.