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Scala Convert: String to Int, List and Array
Scala Regex, R Examples: findFirstMatchIn
Scala Interview Questions (2021)
Scala Class Examples: Trait Keyword
Scala indexOf: Lists and Strings
Scala Int Examples: Max and Min
Scala 2D List, Array Examples: Array.ofDim
Scala Def: return Unit and Lambdas
Scala Initialize List: List.newBuilder, List.empty
Scala Option: None, get and getOrElse
Scala Exception Handling: Try, Catch and Throw
Scala String Examples: StringLike
Scala Remove Duplicates From List: Distinct Example
Scala If, Else Example (Match Case If)
Scala Console: println, printf and readLine
Scala Strip Strings: stripLineEnd and stripMargin
Scala Var and Val (Variables and Constants)
Scala format and formatted Strings
Scala Set Examples: contains, intersect
Scala Tuple Examples (Return Multiple Values)
Scala For to, until, while Loop Examples
Scala Slice: Substring, List Slice
Scala Sorted List Examples: Ordering.Int
Scala Array Examples: Apply and Update
Scala Range Examples: Start, End and Step