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However: The .NET Framework offers the excellent Path.GetRandomFileName static parameterless method, which returns appropriate strings.
StaticWriteRandomFile: This method internally gets a random file name, gets the correct output path on the C:\ volume, and then writes some text to it.
Returns: The Path.GetRandomFileName method returns a random file name with an extension. This includes the period before the extension.
ReturnTip: The extension will be 1 dot and 3 letters, while the name will be 8 characters. All the characters are valid file name characters.
C# program that writes random file names
using System;
using System.IO;
class Program
static void Main()
// Write three random files.
static void WriteRandomFile()
// Get random file name.
string fileName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
// Construct full path.
string outputPath = Path.Combine("C:\\", fileName);
// Write to screen and disk.
File.WriteAllText(outputPath, "Random");
Finally: The char array is converted to a string. This method could probably be significantly optimized.