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Tip: The first string is declared and the instance method ToLower is called on it. That method returns a new string that is lowercase.
Important: The original string is not modified. The Console.WriteLine method is called with a format string.
Consolestring.FormatCopy: ToLower copies a string and returns a reference to the new string. The original string is unchanged.
C# program that uses ToLower
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
// Input string.
string mixedCase = "This is a MIXED case string.";
// Call ToLower instance method, which returns a new copy.
string lower = mixedCase.ToLower();
// Display results.
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}",
This is a MIXED case string., this is a mixed case string.
Tip: You can see that after the first string is declared, we declare a new CultureInfo, which we acquire from the CurrentCulture property.
Finally: Internally this property fetches the current thread's globalization state. The program calls ToLower with one parameter.
Info: Internally this method doesn't need to fetch the CurrentCulture because it already has it.
C# program that uses System.Globalization
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class Program
static void Main()
// Input string.
string upper = "UPPERCASE STRING";
// Get current culture.
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
// Call ToLower instance method with globalization parameter.
string lower = upper.ToLower(culture);
// Display result.
uppercase string
Version 1: This code uses ToLower with no arguments to lowercase the text string.
Version 2: This version of the code uses ToLowerInvariant to lowercase the string.
Version 3: Here we use ToLower with a CultureInfo argument (CurrentCulture) to lowercase the string data.
Result: Currently, in 2019, we find that the ToLowerInvariant method seems to perform the fastest.
C# program that benchmarks lowercase methods
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
class Program
static void Main()
string text = "This is an UPPER string.";
CultureInfo c = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
const int m = 1000000;
// Version 1: ToLower with no arguments.
Stopwatch s1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
string text2 = text.ToLower();
if (text2 == null)
// Version 2: ToLowerInvariant.
Stopwatch s2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
string text2 = text.ToLowerInvariant();
if (text2 == null)
// Version 3: ToLower with CultureInfo argument.
Stopwatch s3 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
string text2 = text.ToLower(c);
if (text2 == null)
186 ms ToLower
130 ms ToLowerInvariant
154 ms ToLower(CultureInfo)
Example: ToUpper is an instance method on the string type, which means you must have a string variable instance to call it.
Tip: ToUpper works the same as ToLower except it changes lowercase characters to uppercase characters.
CultureInfo: The CultureInfo.Invariant culture class specifies we want the string to be uppercased the same way on all computers.
C# program that uses ToUpper
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class Program
static void Main()
// Uppercase this mixed case string.
string value1 = "Lowercase string.";
string upper1 = value1.ToUpper();
// Uppercase this string.
string value2 = "ABC123";
string upper2 = value2.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Example: This program shows that the invariant methods act upon the characters in the expected way.
And: In some cases, these invariant methods can be different from other methods because they specify the invariant culture.
C# program that uses invariant case methods
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
// This demonstrates the invariant methods.
// ... They act in the expected way.
string test1 = "Cat";
And: These methods help when you need lowercase or uppercase version of an OS identifier, such as a file name, named pipe, or registry key.
ToLowerInvariant Method: Microsoft DocsChar: The char type offers a ToLowerInvariant method, which has the same effect for a char.
Turkish: The documents indicate that these methods will only change behavior with Turkish cultures.