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Static: Public methods can be static. This means they are attached to the type itself.
StaticTypeAlso: They can be instance—this means they are attached to an instance of the type that was constructed.
C# program that uses public methods
using System;
public class Example
static int _fieldStatic = 1; // Private static field
int _fieldInstance = 2; // Private instance field
public static void DoStatic()
// Public static method body.
Console.WriteLine("DoAll called");
public static int SelectStatic()
// Public static method body with return value.
return _fieldStatic * 2;
public void DoInstance()
// Public instance method body.
Console.WriteLine("SelectAll called");
public int SelectInstance()
// Public instance method body with return value.
return _fieldInstance * 2;
class Program
static void Main()
// First run the public static methods on the type.
// Instantiate the type as an instance.
// ... Then invoke the public instance methods.
Example example = new Example();
DoAll called
SelectAll called
Advantages: With private fields, programs become easier to maintain and test. Private is the default accessibility.
Test: Test has 4 method declarations: 2 private methods and 2 public methods. From Program, you can only access the public methods.
C# program that uses private methods
using System;
class Test
private int Compute1()
return 1; // Private instance method that computes something.
public int Compute2()
return this.Compute1() + 1; // Public instance method.
private static int Compute3()
return 3; // Private static method that computes.
public static int Compute4()
return Compute3() + 1; // Public static method.
class Program
static void Main()
// Create new instance of the Test class.
// ... You can only call the Compute2 public instance method.
Test test = new Test();
// Call the public static method.
// ... You cannot access the private static method.
Info: The accessibility of a public method is not transitive through the public method invocation.
Also: The private accessibility is lexically based—it affects the members based on the position in the source text and type hierarchy.
Note: In many programs, using the accessibility modifier on a member as the first modifier in the source text is desirable.
Note 2: This makes the accessibility more discoverable. As always, please adhere to any existing project guidelines.
And: You can only change that by specifying another accessibility such as public or protected.
Tip: You can sometimes specify private to emphasize that the method should not be public.
Note: The system adopted by the C# language reduces the symmetry in the source text of programs.
Note: This default encourages the practice of information hiding in programming. And this improves software quality.