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Next: You are handed a small piece of paper. Here are the rules. Just 3 numbers are already filled in on the puzzle.
Constraint rules:
1. Each cell is less than its left neighbor.
2. Each cell is greater than its top neighbor.
3. All numbers are integers.
4. All numbers are 0 or greater.
5. All cells must have a number.
100 ? ?
? ? ?
120 5 ?
Count all possible arrangements.
HashedSolutions: We place each result (and partial result) in this hash. This avoids repeating work.
HashSetGlobalMax: Finds the largest integer in any square. We use this an upper bound (no number we add may exceed this max).
GetAsPosition: Get a value at a pair of coordinates. This searches through our List of Tuples.
ListTupleGetString: Convert the data we have added to a string so it can be hashed and printed more easily (this is slow).
AddItem: Try to add a number to a square. This tests all 4 constraints before it allows a number to be added. This is recursive.
C# program that uses constraint solver
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
class Program
// Place all solutions in a dictionary.
// ... This avoids duplicates.
static HashSet<string> _hashedSolutions = new HashSet<string>();
static int _hashedSolutionsFinals = 0;
static int GlobalMax(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> data)
// Get the highest number from the data.
int max = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
if (data[i].Item1 > max)
max = data[i].Item1;
return max;
static int GetAtPosition(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> data, int x, int y)
// Get value as this position.
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
if (data[i].Item2 == x &&
data[i].Item3 == y)
return data[i].Item1;
return -1;
static string GetString(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> data, int width, int height)
// Convert our tuples to a string.
// ... This is displayed like a 2D array.
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
int value = GetAtPosition(data, y, i);
builder.Append(' ');
return builder.ToString();
static void AddItem(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> data,
int width,
int height,
int globalMax)
// Convert our data to a string.
string text = GetString(data, width, height);
// If this data has already been encountered, do nothing further.
if (_hashedSolutions.Contains(text))
// Record this data as having been encountered.
// See if we have all required values.
if (data.Count == width * height)
// We are done.
Console.WriteLine($"::RESULT {++_hashedSolutionsFinals}::");
// Loop over all squares.
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
// Get current value.
int currentValueHere = GetAtPosition(data, i, y);
// See if this square is empty.
if (currentValueHere == -1)
// Try all possible numbers.
// ... Never go beyond the global max.
for (int test = 0; test < globalMax; test++)
// Constraint 1.
// ... Must be larger than all squares above it.
bool invalid = false;
foreach (var listItem in data)
if (listItem.Item2 == i && // Same column.
listItem.Item3 < y && // Higher.
listItem.Item1 >= test)
invalid = true;
// Constraint 2.
// ... Must be smaller than all squares below it.
foreach (var listItem in data)
if (listItem.Item2 == i && // Same column.
listItem.Item3 > y && // Lower.
listItem.Item1 <= test)
invalid = true;
// Constraint 3.
// ... Must be larger than all squares to the right.
foreach (var listItem in data)
if (listItem.Item2 > i && // To the right.
listItem.Item3 == y && // Same row.
listItem.Item1 >= test)
invalid = true;
// Constraint 4.
// ... Must be smaller than all squares to the left.
foreach (var listItem in data)
if (listItem.Item2 < i && // To the left.
listItem.Item3 == y && // Same row.
listItem.Item1 <= test)
invalid = true;
// We are invalid if a constraint was not met.
if (invalid)
// Copy our data.
var copy = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>(data);
// Add this new value to our data.
copy.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(test, i, y));
// Recurse.
AddItem(copy, width, height, globalMax);
static void Main()
// Add existing data to our list of tuples.
// ... First int is the value.
// Second is the X coordinate.
// Third is the Y coordinate.
var list = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
list.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(100, 0, 0));
list.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(120, 0, 2));
list.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(5, 1, 2));
// Get maximum int from the data.
int globalMax = GlobalMax(list);
// Pass existing data and dimensions of puzzle as arguments.
AddItem(list, 3, 3, globalMax);
Output: first part
::RESULT 1::
100 1 0
101 2 1
120 5 2
::RESULT 2::
100 1 0
101 2 1
120 5 3
::RESULT 3::
100 1 0
101 2 1
120 5 4
::RESULT 4::
100 1 0
101 3 1
120 5 2
::RESULT 5::
100 1 0
101 3 1
120 5 3
Output: second part
::RESULT 754::
100 3 0
119 4 2
120 5 3
::RESULT 755::
100 3 0
119 4 2
120 5 4
::RESULT 756::
100 3 0
119 4 3
120 5 4
::RESULT 757::
100 3 1
119 4 2
120 5 3
::RESULT 758::
100 3 1
119 4 2
120 5 4
::RESULT 759::
100 3 1
119 4 3
120 5 4
::RESULT 760::
100 3 2
119 4 3
120 5 4
Constraints: It tests all 4 constraints for each number we add to the puzzle. For each constraint, we loop through all our existing data.
Copy: We always copy the data before calling AddItem from itself. This is so we can "branch out" without modifying data we may need again.
And: We can just return early from one call stack at this point. We just want unique results.