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Example: Here are two methods that set menus to enabled or disabled. When Enabled is changed to false, the menu will turn gray.
PropertyNote: The methods must be called manually: we can call them from the code in an event handler.
Example code that disables menu: C#
void EnableFileToolsMenu(bool state)
foreach (ToolStripItem item in fileToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems)
item.Enabled = state;
foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolsToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems)
item.Enabled = state;
void EnableEditMenu(bool state)
foreach (ToolStripItem item in editToolStripMenuItem1.DropDownItems)
item.Enabled = state;
Tip: This code disables two menus at once. This adds to simplicity and efficiency in the GUI layer.
Tip: You can make menus equal to an expression, such as the Enabled property of a password box.
Example code that uses the above methods: C#
void passwordTextBox_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool state = passwordTextBox.Enabled;
void ExampleMethod()
// Enable all the items in these menus.
// Disable the Edit menu.