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Display: This loops over all amounts (denominations) and counts coins that were added of these sizes.
Seq: We use the Seq.where and Seq.length functions to improve counting of coins in the display function.
SeqChange: This function accepts 5 arguments. It sees if we have reached our goal amount (of 51 cents) and displays the result if we have.
For: If we need more coins, we loop over amounts and only add larger or equal coins. We then add the new coin at the head of a list.
F# program that computes coins with rec function
let display coins amounts =
// Loop over all coin sizes.
// ... Count all coins for each size.
// Print the results to the screen.
for amount in amounts do
// Use where to filter coins by amount.
// ... Return the length of the matching sequence.
let count = Seq.where (fun x -> x = amount) coins
|> Seq.length
printfn "%d: %d" amount count
printfn ""
let rec change coins amounts highest sum goal =
// If correct sum of coins, display them.
// ... If not enough coins, loop through and add new coins.
if sum = goal then display coins amounts
elif sum < goal then
// Loop over possible coin sizes.
for value in amounts do
// Only add larger coins.
if value >= highest then
// Place new coin at the start of the list (the head) and continue.
let copy = value :: coins
change copy amounts value (sum + value) goal
// Begin with these coins.
let coins = []
// Specify the amounts.
let amounts = [1; 5; 10; 25; 50]
// Call recursive function.
change coins amounts 0 0 51
1: 51
5: 0
10: 0
25: 0
50: 0
1: 46
5: 1
10: 0
25: 0
50: 0
1: 41
5: 2
10: 0
25: 0
50: 0
1: 1
5: 0
10: 0
25: 2
50: 0
1: 1
5: 0
10: 0
25: 0
50: 1
Rec keyword error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'change' is not defined
Further: In SICP, the problem of efficiency for recursion is addressed. It is thought a "smart compiler" would make recursion fast.
And: This is important to F# because recursion, and recursion-optimizing compilers, are essential to an effective F# environment.