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F# Keywords
Review keywords in the F# language. Browse examples that use these keywords.
Keywords. The F# language is part of the .NET Framework. It includes all the types we know from C#. But it adds more types. These enable its advanced language features.
Here, we see a list of the keywords in F#. With a for-loop we enable imperative, statement-based coding. And with rec we specify a recursive method.anddictdodowncastdowntoelifelsefailwithfinallyforfunfunctiongetifignoreinletlistmatchmembermutablenewnotopenprintfprintfnraiserecseqsetsprintfstringthentotypetryupcastusewhilewithyield
Types. We call common methods on types. The Seq module has methods for common sequence operations like sum or average. And List can perform operations on lists.ArrayInt32ListMeasureNoneSeqSomeStreamReaderString
Syntax hints. F# is terse. It means a lot in little text. With things like the pipeline operator our programs can look like random characters.<- (Assign)(* *) (Block comment)& (Byref, ref parameter):? (Compatible type)>> (Composition, left to right)<< (Composition, right to left)@ (Concatenation)= (Equality):: (Front)-> (Lambda)[0; 1] (List)<m> (Measure)|> (Pipeline)"%A" (Print)[0 .. 1] (Sequence)(s : string) (Variable type)
Getting started. Special tools can be added to Microsoft Visual Studio to develop F#. These are hosted by Microsoft. They can be added through the New Project dialogs in VS.
Foundation. This language is used in the real world. But it has many research influences and is not as widely deployed as more C# or Java. With F# we can expand our skills.F# Software Foundation: fsharp.org
Some notes. Keywords in F# do not reveal the full power of the language. Instead we focus on how programs are written. Recursion, and list-based algorithms are key.
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