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These words, such as "the", "because" and "how", are considered stopwords and can usually be safely ignored. Here we remove stopwords, also known as poison words, from strings in the C# language.
Requirements Unimportant words are removed. Input: I saw a cat and a horse. Output: saw cat horse Input: Google searches the Internet Output: Google searches Internet Input: Using an extra step to eliminate stopwords Output: Using extra step eliminate stopwords
Example. First, to remove the strings we must have a way to instantly check if a word is a stopword. If you use Lists, the algorithm will be O(N squared), meaning you could have performance problems.
C# program that removes stopwords using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; /// <summary> /// Tool to remove unwanted words such as 'the' or 'a'. /// </summary> static class StopwordTool { /// <summary> /// Words we want to remove. /// </summary> static Dictionary<string, bool> _stops = new Dictionary<string, bool> { { "a", true }, { "about", true }, { "above", true }, { "across", true }, { "after", true }, { "afterwards", true }, { "again", true }, { "against", true }, { "all", true }, { "almost", true }, { "alone", true }, { "along", true }, { "already", true }, { "also", true }, { "although", true }, { "always", true }, { "am", true }, { "among", true }, { "amongst", true }, { "amount", true }, { "an", true }, { "and", true }, { "another", true }, { "any", true }, { "anyhow", true }, { "anyone", true }, { "anything", true }, { "anyway", true }, { "anywhere", true }, { "are", true }, { "around", true }, { "as", true }, { "at", true }, { "back", true }, { "be", true }, { "became", true }, { "because", true }, { "become", true }, { "becomes", true }, { "becoming", true }, { "been", true }, { "before", true }, { "beforehand", true }, { "behind", true }, { "being", true }, { "below", true }, { "beside", true }, { "besides", true }, { "between", true }, { "beyond", true }, { "bill", true }, { "both", true }, { "bottom", true }, { "but", true }, { "by", true }, { "call", true }, { "can", true }, { "cannot", true }, { "cant", true }, { "co", true }, { "computer", true }, { "con", true }, { "could", true }, { "couldnt", true }, { "cry", true }, { "de", true }, { "describe", true }, { "detail", true }, { "do", true }, { "done", true }, { "down", true }, { "due", true }, { "during", true }, { "each", true }, { "eg", true }, { "eight", true }, { "either", true }, { "eleven", true }, { "else", true }, { "elsewhere", true }, { "empty", true }, { "enough", true }, { "etc", true }, { "even", true }, { "ever", true }, { "every", true }, { "everyone", true }, { "everything", true }, { "everywhere", true }, { "except", true }, { "few", true }, { "fifteen", true }, { "fify", true }, { "fill", true }, { "find", true }, { "fire", true }, { "first", true }, { "five", true }, { "for", true }, { "former", true }, { "formerly", true }, { "forty", true }, { "found", true }, { "four", true }, { "from", true }, { "front", true }, { "full", true }, { "further", true }, { "get", true }, { "give", true }, { "go", true }, { "had", true }, { "has", true }, { "have", true }, { "he", true }, { "hence", true }, { "her", true }, { "here", true }, { "hereafter", true }, { "hereby", true }, { "herein", true }, { "hereupon", true }, { "hers", true }, { "herself", true }, { "him", true }, { "himself", true }, { "his", true }, { "how", true }, { "however", true }, { "hundred", true }, { "i", true }, { "ie", true }, { "if", true }, { "in", true }, { "inc", true }, { "indeed", true }, { "interest", true }, { "into", true }, { "is", true }, { "it", true }, { "its", true }, { "itself", true }, { "keep", true }, { "last", true }, { "latter", true }, { "latterly", true }, { "least", true }, { "less", true }, { "ltd", true }, { "made", true }, { "many", true }, { "may", true }, { "me", true }, { "meanwhile", true }, { "might", true }, { "mill", true }, { "mine", true }, { "more", true }, { "moreover", true }, { "most", true }, { "mostly", true }, { "move", true }, { "much", true }, { "must", true }, { "my", true }, { "myself", true }, { "name", true }, { "namely", true }, { "neither", true }, { "never", true }, { "nevertheless", true }, { "next", true }, { "nine", true }, { "no", true }, { "nobody", true }, { "none", true }, { "nor", true }, { "not", true }, { "nothing", true }, { "now", true }, { "nowhere", true }, { "of", true }, { "off", true }, { "often", true }, { "on", true }, { "once", true }, { "one", true }, { "only", true }, { "onto", true }, { "or", true }, { "other", true }, { "others", true }, { "otherwise", true }, { "our", true }, { "ours", true }, { "ourselves", true }, { "out", true }, { "over", true }, { "own", true }, { "part", true }, { "per", true }, { "perhaps", true }, { "please", true }, { "put", true }, { "rather", true }, { "re", true }, { "same", true }, { "see", true }, { "seem", true }, { "seemed", true }, { "seeming", true }, { "seems", true }, { "serious", true }, { "several", true }, { "she", true }, { "should", true }, { "show", true }, { "side", true }, { "since", true }, { "sincere", true }, { "six", true }, { "sixty", true }, { "so", true }, { "some", true }, { "somehow", true }, { "someone", true }, { "something", true }, { "sometime", true }, { "sometimes", true }, { "somewhere", true }, { "still", true }, { "such", true }, { "system", true }, { "take", true }, { "ten", true }, { "than", true }, { "that", true }, { "the", true }, { "their", true }, { "them", true }, { "themselves", true }, { "then", true }, { "thence", true }, { "there", true }, { "thereafter", true }, { "thereby", true }, { "therefore", true }, { "therein", true }, { "thereupon", true }, { "these", true }, { "they", true }, { "thick", true }, { "thin", true }, { "third", true }, { "this", true }, { "those", true }, { "though", true }, { "three", true }, { "through", true }, { "throughout", true }, { "thru", true }, { "thus", true }, { "to", true }, { "together", true }, { "too", true }, { "top", true }, { "toward", true }, { "towards", true }, { "twelve", true }, { "twenty", true }, { "two", true }, { "un", true }, { "under", true }, { "until", true }, { "up", true }, { "upon", true }, { "us", true }, { "very", true }, { "via", true }, { "was", true }, { "we", true }, { "well", true }, { "were", true }, { "what", true }, { "whatever", true }, { "when", true }, { "whence", true }, { "whenever", true }, { "where", true }, { "whereafter", true }, { "whereas", true }, { "whereby", true }, { "wherein", true }, { "whereupon", true }, { "wherever", true }, { "whether", true }, { "which", true }, { "while", true }, { "whither", true }, { "who", true }, { "whoever", true }, { "whole", true }, { "whom", true }, { "whose", true }, { "why", true }, { "will", true }, { "with", true }, { "within", true }, { "without", true }, { "would", true }, { "yet", true }, { "you", true }, { "your", true }, { "yours", true }, { "yourself", true }, { "yourselves", true } }; /// <summary> /// Chars that separate words. /// </summary> static char[] _delimiters = new char[] { ' ', ',', ';', '.' }; /// <summary> /// Remove stopwords from string. /// </summary> public static string RemoveStopwords(string input) { // 1 // Split parameter into words var words = input.Split(_delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 2 // Allocate new dictionary to store found words var found = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); // 3 // Store results in this StringBuilder StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // 4 // Loop through all words foreach (string currentWord in words) { // 5 // Convert to lowercase string lowerWord = currentWord.ToLower(); // 6 // If this is a usable word, add it if (!_stops.ContainsKey(lowerWord) && !found.ContainsKey(lowerWord)) { builder.Append(currentWord).Append(' '); found.Add(lowerWord, true); } } // 7 // Return string with words removed return builder.ToString().Trim(); } } class Program { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(StopwordTool.RemoveStopwords( "I saw a cat and a horse")); Console.WriteLine(StopwordTool.RemoveStopwords( "Google searches the Internet")); Console.WriteLine(StopwordTool.RemoveStopwords( "Using an extra step")); } } Output saw cat horse Google searches Internet Using extra step
What the method does is loop through each word in your input string, then check to see if the word is a stopword and if it has already been found, and if the word is acceptable, it appends it to a StringBuilder. This is the result.
It declares a static Dictionary to store the stopwords. It adds the items using collection initializer syntax to the Dictionary. It is static because it doesn't need to save state. Having different instances would simply waste memory.
It removes duplicate words from the strings as well, which further aids in preparing search queries. The implicit var keyword in RemoveStopwords helps make the syntax cleaner and easier to read, at no performance or functional loss.
And: The split method is used in RemoveStopwords with cached delimiters, which enhance performance. It separates the string into words.
Summary. We saw a method that will remove specific words, such as stopwords, from a string. It uses Dictionary and static fields to accomplish this. It avoids degenerate performance with large data sets.
Warning: Looping through all stopwords on each word being checks could become slow, particularly if your list of stopwords grew larger.