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Angular DatabindingDatabinding is a powerful feature of Angular. Angular Databinding is used for communication. It is used to communicate between your TypeScript code (your business logic) and the other component which is shown to the users i.e. HTML layout. Databinding is necessary because when we write the code in TypeScript, it is compiled to JavaScript and the result is shown on HTML layout. Thus, to show the correct and spontaneous result to the users, a proper communication is necessary. That's why databinding is used in Angular. There is two type of databinding: One-way databinding One way databinding is a simple one way communication where HTML template is changed when we make changes in TypeScript code. Or In one-way databinding, the value of the Model is used in the View (HTML page) but you can't update Model from the View. Angular Interpolation / String Interpolation, Property Binding, and Event Binding are the example of one-way databinding. Two-way databinding In two-way databinding, automatic synchronization of data happens between the Model and the View. Here, change is reflected in both components. Whenever you make changes in the Model, it will be reflected in the View and when you make changes in View, it will be reflected in Model. This happens immediately and automatically, ensures that the HTML template and the TypeScript code are updated at all times. ![]()
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