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MongoDB update documentsIn MongoDB, update() method is used to update or modify the existing documents of a collection. Syntax: db.COLLECTION_NAME.update(SELECTIOIN_CRITERIA, UPDATED_DATA) ExampleConsider an example which has a collection name TheDeveloperBlog. Insert the following documents in collection: db.TheDeveloperBlog.insert( { course: "java", details: { duration: "6 months", Trainer: "Sonoo jaiswal" }, Batch: [ { size: "Small", qty: 15 }, { size: "Medium", qty: 25 } ], category: "Programming language" } ) After successful insertion, check the documents by following query: >db.TheDeveloperBlog.find() Output: { "_id" : ObjectId("56482d3e27e53d2dbc93cef8"), "course" : "java", "details" : { "duration" : "6 months", "Trainer" : "Sonoo jaiswal" }, "Batch" : [ {"size" : "Small", "qty" : 15 }, { "size" : "Medium", "qty" : 25 } ], "category" : "Programming language" } Update the existing course "java" into "android": >db.TheDeveloperBlog.update({'course':'java'},{$set:{'course':'android'}}) Check the updated document in the collection: >db.TheDeveloperBlog.find() Output: { "_id" : ObjectId("56482d3e27e53d2dbc93cef8"), "course" : "android", "details" : { "duration" : "6 months", "Trainer" : "Sonoo jaiswal" }, "Batch" : [ {"size" : "Small", "qty" : 15 }, { "size" : "Medium", "qty" : 25 } ], "category" : "Programming language" }
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