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React JSXAs we have already seen that, all of the React components have a render function. The render function specifies the HTML output of a React component. JSX(JavaScript Extension), is a React extension which allows writing JavaScript code that looks like HTML. In other words, JSX is an HTML-like syntax used by React that extends ECMAScript so that HTML-like syntax can co-exist with JavaScript/React code. The syntax is used by preprocessors (i.e., transpilers like babel) to transform HTML-like syntax into standard JavaScript objects that a JavaScript engine will parse. JSX provides you to write HTML/XML-like structures (e.g., DOM-like tree structures) in the same file where you write JavaScript code, then preprocessor will transform these expressions into actual JavaScript code. Just like XML/HTML, JSX tags have a tag name, attributes, and children. ExampleHere, we will write JSX syntax in JSX file and see the corresponding JavaScript code which transforms by preprocessor(babel). JSX File <div>Hello JavaTpoint</div> Corresponding Output React.createElement("div", null, "Hello JavaTpoint"); The above line creates a react element and passing three arguments inside where the first is the name of the element which is div, second is the attributes passed in the div tag, and last is the content you pass which is the "Hello JavaTpoint." Why use JSX?
Nested Elements in JSXTo use more than one element, you need to wrap it with one container element. Here, we use div as a container element which has three nested elements inside it. App.JSX import React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ return( <div> <h1>JavaTpoint</h1> <h2>Training Institutes</h2> <p>This website contains the best CS tutorials.</p> </div> ); } } export default App; Output: ![]() JSX AttributesJSX use attributes with the HTML elements same as regular HTML. JSX uses camelcase naming convention for attributes rather than standard naming convention of HTML such as a class in HTML becomes className in JSX because the class is the reserved keyword in JavaScript. We can also use our own custom attributes in JSX. For custom attributes, we need to use data- prefix. In the below example, we have used a custom attribute data-demoAttribute as an attribute for the <p> tag. Exampleimport React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ return( <div> <h1>JavaTpoint</h1> <h2>Training Institutes</h2> <p data-demoAttribute = "demo">This website contains the best CS tutorials.</p> </div> ); } } export default App; In JSX, we can specify attribute values in two ways: 1. As String Literals: We can specify the values of attributes in double quotes: var element = Example import React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ return( <div> <h1 className = "hello" >JavaTpoint</h1> <p data-demoAttribute = "demo">This website contains the best CS tutorials.</p> </div> ); } } export default App; Output: JavaTpoint This website contains the best CS tutorials. 2. As Expressions: We can specify the values of attributes as expressions using curly braces {}: var element = Example import React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ return( <div> <h1 className = "hello" >{25+20}</h1> </div> ); } } export default App; Output: 45 JSX CommentsJSX allows us to use comments that begin with /* and ends with */ and wrapping them in curly braces {} just like in the case of JSX expressions. Below example shows how to use comments in JSX. Exampleimport React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ return( <div> <h1 className = "hello" >Hello JavaTpoint</h1> {/* This is a comment in JSX */} </div> ); } } export default App; JSX StylingReact always recommends to use inline styles. To set inline styles, you need to use camelCase syntax. React automatically allows appending px after the number value on specific elements. The following example shows how to use styling in the element. Exampleimport React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ var myStyle = { fontSize: 80, fontFamily: 'Courier', color: '#003300' } return ( <div> <h1 style = {myStyle}>www.TheDeveloperBlog.com</h1> </div> ); } } export default App; Output: ![]() NOTE: JSX cannot allow to use if-else statements. Instead of it, you can use conditional (ternary) expressions. It can be seen in the following example.Exampleimport React, { Component } from 'react'; class App extends Component{ render(){ var i = 5; return ( <div> <h1>{i == 1 ? 'True!' : 'False!'}</h1> </div> ); } } export default App; Output: False!
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