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Software Virtualization

Software Virtualization with virtualization techniques, cloud service models, IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, Amazon EC2, type of cloud computing like public, private and hybrid for beginners and professionals.

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Software Virtualization

Managing applications and distribution becomes a typical task for IT departments. Installation mechanism differs from application to application. Some programs require certain helper applications or frameworks and these applications may have conflict with existing applications.

Software virtualization is just like a virtualization but able to abstract the software installation procedure and create virtual software installations.

Virtualized software is an application that will be "installed" into its own self-contained unit.

Example of software virtualization is VMware software, virtual box etc. In the next pages, we are going to see how to install linux OS and windows OS on VMware application.

Advantages of Software Virtualization

1) Client Deployments Become Easier:

Copying a file to a workstation or linking a file in a network then we can easily install virtual software.

2) Easy to manage:

To manage updates becomes a simpler task. You need to update at one place and deploy the updated virtual application to the all clients.

3) Software Migration:

Without software virtualization, moving from one software platform to another platform takes much time for deploying and impact on end user systems. With the help of virtualized software environment the migration becomes easier.

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