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Verbal Ability | Synonyms 6

Verbal Ability | Synonyms 6 with verbal ability, spotting errors, antonyms, synonyms, spellings, selecting words, sentence correction, sentence improvement, closet test, change of speech etc.

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26) Efface

  1. Visible
  2. Effective
  3. wipe out
  4. Motivate

Answer: C


Efface meaning wipe out, eradicate, rub out, rub away, etc.

27) Apportion

  1. Divide
  2. Desert
  3. Appear
  4. Cut

Answer: A


Apportion means share out, allocate, etc. For example, they planned to apportion the expenses among the residents.

28) Louche

  1. Loose
  2. Indecent
  3. Lucrative
  4. Loud

Answer: B


Louche means disreputable, indecent, etc.

29) Wary

  1. Difficult
  2. Normal
  3. Cautious
  4. Trustful

Answer: C


Wary means cautious, suspicious, distrustful, etc.

30) Inscrutable

  1. Imaginative
  2. Strong
  3. Confident
  4. Mysterious

Answer: D


'Inscrutable' means hard to make out, not easy to interpret or understood.

Synonyms 2
Synonyms 3
Synonyms 4
Synonyms 5
Synonyms 6
Synonyms 7
Synonyms 8
Synonyms 9
Synonyms 10
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Synonyms 12
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