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Verbal Analogies21) College: Students
Answer: A Explanation: Students go to college to get the education. Similarly, patients visit a hospital for treatment. 22) Clock: Time
Answer: C Explanation: Clock tells time. Similarly, thermometer tells the temperature. 23) The evening is to Morning as Dinner is to?
Answer: B Explanation: In the evening we eat dinner and in the morning we eat breakfast. 24) Hairdresser is to scissors as a butcher is to?
Answer: C Explanation: Hairdresser uses scissors to cut hair. Similarly butcher uses knife to cut meat. 25) Gun is to bullet as a bow is to?
Answer: A Explanation: Bullets are fired from a gun. Similarly, an arrow is fired from a bow. Verbal Analogies Verbal Analogies 2 Verbal Analogies 3 Verbal Analogies 4 Verbal Analogies 6
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