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Cassandra Drop KeyspaceIn Cassandra, "DROP Keyspace" command is used to drop keyspaces with all the data, column families, user defined types and indexes from Cassandra. Cassandra takes a snapshot of keyspace before dropping the keyspace. If keyspace does not exist in the Cassandra, Cassandra will return an error unless IF EXISTS is used. Syntax: DROP keyspace KeyspaceName ; Example: Let's take an example to drop the keyspace named "TheDeveloperBlog". DROP keyspace TheDeveloperBlog; ![]() Verification: After the execution of the above command the keyspace "TheDeveloperBlog" is dropped from Cassandra with all the data and schema. You can verify it by using the "USE" command. ![]() Now you can see that "TheDeveloperBlog" keyspace is dropped. If you use "DROP" command again, you will get the following message. ![]()
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