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MySQL ORDER BY ClauseThe MYSQL ORDER BY Clause is used to sort the records in ascending or descending order. Syntax: SELECT expressions FROM tables [WHERE conditions] ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ]; Parametersexpressions: It specifies the columns that you want to retrieve. tables: It specifies the tables, from where you want to retrieve records. There must be at least one table listed in the FROM clause. WHERE conditions: It is optional. It specifies conditions that must be fulfilled for the records to be selected. ASC: It is optional. It sorts the result set in ascending order by expression (default, if no modifier is provider). DESC: It is also optional. It sorts the result set in descending order by expression. Note: You can use MySQL ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement, SELECT LIMIT statement, and DELETE LIMIT statement.MySQL ORDER BY: without using ASC/DESC attributeIf you use MySQL ORDER BY clause without specifying the ASC and DESC modifier then by default you will get the result in ascending order. Execute the following query: SELECT * FROM officers WHERE address = 'Lucknow' ORDER BY officer_name; Output: ![]() MySQL ORDER BY: with ASC attributeLet's take an example to retrieve the data in ascending order. Execute the following query: SELECT * FROM officers WHERE address = 'Lucknow' ORDER BY officer_name ASC; Output: ![]() MySQL ORDER BY: with DESC attributeSELECT * FROM officers WHERE address = 'Lucknow' ORDER BY officer_name DESC; ![]() MySQL ORDER BY: using both ASC and DESC attributesExecute the following query: SELECT officer_name, address FROM officers WHERE officer_id < 5 ORDER BY officer_name DESC, address ASC; Output: ![]()
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