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SEO Press Release Submission

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Press Release Submission

Press release submission refers to writing about new events, products or services of the company and submitting it to PR sites. It is an off-page SEO strategy the helps popularize your events, products or services on the web to improve SEO of your site. A press release should be keyword-optimized, factual and informative so that it could generate interest in the readers. Furthermore, it should be used to share newsworthy content with the targeted users.

Press Release Submission

Steps to submit Press Release/How to submit Press Release:

  • Find the press release sites.
  • Visit the site and provide the required details like username, password, and email id to create the account.
  • Verify the account.
  • Provide the headline, summary, keywords, contact information and other details as required by the site for PR submission.
  • Now, you have to wait for the approval, once it is approved by the site, it will be published.
  • Some sites may ask you to buy a package for their services.

How to write a press release/guidelines to write a press release:

  • The headline should be concise, specific and relevant. It should tell instantly what it is about, why the readers would be interested in reading this. You can also use a subheading below the headline if required.
  • It should consist of three to six paragraphs with all the important and relevant information that a reporter can use to write a story.
  • You can include a unique quote from company director or industry expert. It allows you to get noticed by journalists.
  • The most important information should appear in the opening paragraph. Such as Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? The intent here is to capture attention and develop interest.
  • However, the contact details including the city, state, month, day, and year must appear before the opening sentence. They are important elements in a press release. You can add content information at the top left or right of the page.
  • In the second paragraph you can provide crucial information to understand the story. Such as interesting facts, supporting information, quotations, etc.
  • In the last paragraph, you can provide the least Important Information such as general information, background information, about us statement, company description, etc.
  • Furthermore, it should be written as a news piece, avoid using words like our, we, etc. It should seem that it is written by outside third party.
  • Also mention that if you want to release it immediately, and if not, mention the date when you want it to be released.
  • An optional boilerplate can be used at the bottom of a press release. It is a short paragraph that tells about the identity of a company and what it does.
  • It should be one page in length. There should be three hash symbols underneath the last line of your PR at the centre of the page. Furthermore, grammar and spelling check is also required before you submit it to publish.

Some of the popular press release submission sites are listed below:


Press Release Submission Benefits:

  • Improves link popularity: It is one of the quickest ways to build backlinks to your site.
  • Boosts traffic and sales: Keyword optimization in the content of PR helps increase traffic and sales.
  • Reduces marketing costs: It enables search engines easily find your site; you don't need to spend much on other online marketing activities.
  • Online recognition: It helps you build online reputation and trust of the visitors.
  • Long-term benefit: Online press releases have a long lifespan, so they can work for you for many years to come.

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