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SEO Reciprocal Linking

SEO Reciprocal Linking for beginners and professionals with examples, robots meta tag, doorway pages, redirects, error, page rank, link popularity, articles, google analytics, google tools, site tools, securing ranks, open site explorer, advance reporting, yahoo tools, images, posting to forums, rss feeds submissions, design and tools.

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Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal Linking refers to creating reciprocal link between two websites, i.e. it is created when a website 'A' links to website 'B' which in turn links to website 'A'. It is an agreement between two websites where each website is hyperlinked to another website.

SEO Reciprocal linking

It is usually done between the sites that provide related services or information. The purpose of reciprocal liking is to provide readers a quick access to the related sites and to boost search engine rankings of the sites.

The reciprocal links should be built between related websites otherwise it will irritate your users that will harm SEO of your site, e.g. A car wash and dent repair company in the same city may link each other sites to attract more customers.

Benefits of Reciprocal Linking:

  • It allows you to pass link equity from a high authority site to your site.
  • It helps you build a diverse link profile.
  • It helps you get more referral traffic.

Points to remember for reciprocal linking:

  • The link should come from a site that is relevant to your niche. For example, if your site is related to automotive niche, obtaining a link from a high authority site in the weight loss niche will not benefit much.
  • The site you are getting the reciprocal link from should be a non-competing site.
  • You should shortlist those sites for reciprocal linking that have good ranking on search engine result pages.

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