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SQLite MAX FunctionSQLite MAX function is used to fetch the maximum value of an expression. Syntax: SELECT MAX(aggregate_expression) FROM tables [WHERE conditions]; Syntax when you use MAX function with GROUP BY clause: SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n MAX(aggregate_expression) FROM tables [WHERE conditions] GROUP BY expression1, expression2, ... expression_n; Example1: We have a table named "STUDENT", having the following data: ![]() Retrieve the highest fees of the student from the "STUDENT" table. Output: ![]() Example2: Using GROUP BY clause with MAX function: Retrieve NAME, CITY and MAX FEES from the table "STUDENT" and ORDER BY the data by CITY: SELECT NAME, ADDRESS, MAX(FEES) AS "Highest FEES" FROM STUDENT WHERE ID <= 5 GROUP BY ADDRESS; Output: ![]()
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