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SQLite ORDER BY ClauseThe SQLite ORDER BY clause is used to sort the fetched data in ascending or descending order, based on one or more column. Syntax: SELECT column-list FROM table_name [WHERE condition] [ORDER BY column1, column2, .. columnN] [ASC | DESC]; You can use one or more columns in ORDER BY clause. Your used column must be presented in column-list. Let's take an example to demonstrate ORDER BY clause. We have a table named "STUDENT" having the following data: ![]() Example1: Select all records from "STUDENT" where FEES is in ascending order: SELECT * FROM STUDENT ORDER BY FEES ASC; Output: ![]() Example2: Fetch all data from the table "STUDENT" and sort the result in descending order by NAME and FEES: SELECT * FROM STUDENT ORDER BY NAME, FEES DESC; Output: ![]()
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