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S3 Transfer Acceleration
where, acloudguru is a bucket name. ![]() We got an S3 bucket hosted outside the Ireland region, and we have different users all around the world. If users try to upload the file to S3 bucket, it would be done through an internet connection. Transfer Acceleration utilizes the local edge location, and they use the distinct URL that we saw earlier will upload the file to their nearest edge location. The edge location will then send the file up to the S3 bucket. Therefore, we can say that Amazon optimizes the process by using the Transfer Acceleration service. Let's understand through an example.
![]() We observe from the above screen that the new Endpoint is TheDeveloperBlogbucket.s3-accelerate,amazonaws.com. In the above case, you are using a new subdomain of Amazon aws, i.e., s3-accelerate. You are accelerating, so you are using CloudFront edge location nearest to you, and edge location will directly upload the file to S3 over the CloudFront Distribution Network.
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