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StructureA structure is a composite data type that defines a grouped list of variables that are to be placed under one name in a block of memory. It allows different variables to be accessed by using a single pointer to the structure. Syntax struct structure_name { data_type member1; data_type member2; . . data_type memeber; }; Advantages
Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main( ) { struct employee { int id ; float salary ; int mobile ; } ; struct employee e1,e2,e3 ; clrscr(); printf ("\nEnter ids, salary & mobile no. of 3 employee\n" scanf ("%d %f %d", &e1.id, &e1.salary, &e1.mobile); scanf ("%d%f %d", &e2.id, &e2.salary, &e2.mobile); scanf ("%d %f %d", &e3.id, &e3.salary, &e3.mobile); printf ("\n Entered Result "); printf ("\n%d %f %d", e1.id, e1.salary, e1.mobile); printf ("\n%d%f %d", e2.id, e2.salary, e2.mobile); printf ("\n%d %f %d", e3.id, e3.salary, e3.mobile); getch(); }
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