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SQL SELECT DATESQL SELECT DATE is used to retrieve a date from a database. If you want to find a particular date from a database, you can use this statement. For example: let's see the query to get all the records after '2013-12-12'. SELECT * FROM table-name WHERE your date-column >= '2013-12-12' Let's see the another query to get all the records after '2013-12-12' and before '2013-12-13' date. SELECT* FROM table-name where your date-column < '2013-12-13' and your date-column >= '2013-12-12' If you want to compare the dates within the query, you should use BETWEEN operator to compare the dates. SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE yourdate BETWEEN '2012-12-12' and '2013-12-12' Or if you are looking for one date in particular you can use. You should change the date parameter into the acceptable form. SELECT* FROM table_name WHERE cast (datediff (day, 0, yourdate) as datetime) = '2012-12-12'
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