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SQL SELECT FIRSTThe SQL first() function is used to return the first value of the selected column. Let's see the syntax of sql select first() function: SELECT FIRST(column_name) FROM table_name; Here a point is notable that first function is only supported by MS Access. If you want to retrieve the first value of the "customer_name" column from the "customers" table, you need to write following query: SELECT FIRST(customer_name) AS first_customer FROM customers; Let us take the example of CUSTOMERS to examine SQL SELECT FIRST command: Table CUSTOMERS
If you want to retrieve the first value of the "customer_name" column from the "customers" table, you need to write following query: Let's see the syntax of sql select first() function: SELECT FIRST (CUSTOMER_NAME) AS first_customer FROM CUSTOMERS; After that query, you will find the result: KAMAL SHARMA Note: The SELECT FIRST statement is only supported by MS Access. This statement doesn't work with other databases like Oracle, MySQL etc.
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