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Installation of the OpenCVInstall OpenCV using AnacondaThe first step is to download the latest Anaconda graphic installer for Windows from it official site. Choose your bit graphical installer. You are suggested to install 3.7 working with Python 3. Choose the graphical bit installer After installing it, open the Anaconda prompt and type the following command. conda install -c conda-forge opencv Press the Enter button and it will download all the related OpenCV configuration. Install OpenCV in the Windows via pipOpenCV is a Python library so it is necessary to install Python in the system and install OpenCV using pip command: pip install opencv-contrib-python --upgrade We can install it without extra modules by the following command: pip install opencv-python Open the command prompt and type the following code to check if the OpenCV is installed or not. Installation OpenCV in MacOSIn this section, we will learn about the installation of OpenCV on macOS using the Homebrew. The advantage of using the Homebrew is that it simplifies the installation process. It requires a few commands to install. The installation steps are the following: Step-1: Install the Xcode command line Tools To install the Xcode type the following command in terminal. sudo xcode-select --install To verify that it installed successfully, type the following command. sudo xcode-select -p If it shows /Application/Xcode.app/Content/Developer then we can proceed further. Step-2: Install Homebrew To install Homebrew, type the following command in terminal. ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)" A shell script .bashrc is located in your home directory that Bash runs whenever it is started interactively. We can locate the home directory using the following command. echo $HOME It should display output like /Users/MATHEW Step-3: Install Python 3 To start with OpenCV, it is necessary to install Python. To install Python 3 using Homebrew, type the following command: brew install python3 To check the python version by running the following command: python3 --version It will display the version of downloaded Python. Step - 4 Install OpenCV To install the OpenCV3 type the following command: brew install opencv3 -with-contrib -with-python3 Setup a Python 3 Virtual EnvironmentThe virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper packages provide the facility to set the virtual environments. It is important to set the virtual environment to work with multiple projects without introducing conflict in their dependencies. To install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper we use pip (Python Package Manager): pip3 install virtualenv and virtualenv virtualenvwrapper We also need to update ~/.bashrc: #virtualenv/VirtualenvWrapper VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON ='/user/local/bin/python3' Source/user/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh export WORKON_HOME = $HOME/.virtualenvs Now we can create a Python 3 virtual environment: mkvirtualenv cv3 -p python3 We can access the OpenCV by using the following command. workon cv3 The above command activates the OpenCV in the system.
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