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Scan Line AlgorithmIt is an image space algorithm. It processes one line at a time rather than one pixel at a time. It uses the concept area of coherence. This algorithm records edge list, active edge list. So accurate bookkeeping is necessary. The edge list or edge table contains the coordinate of two endpoints. Active Edge List (AEL) contain edges a given scan line intersects during its sweep. The active edge list (AEL) should be sorted in increasing order of x. The AEL is dynamic, growing and shrinking. Following figures shown edges and active edge list. The active edge list for scan line AC1contain e1,e2,e5,e6 edges. The active edge list for scan line AC2contain e5,e6,e1. ![]() Scan line can deal with multiple surfaces. As each scan line is processed, this line will intersect many surfaces. The intersecting line will determine which surface is visible. Depth calculation for each surface is done. The surface rear to view plane is defined. When the visibility of a surface is determined, then intensity value is entered into refresh buffer. AlgorithmStep1: Start algorithm Step2: Initialize the desired data structure
Step3: Perform the following steps for all scan lines
Step4: Stop Algorithm
Next TopicSubdivision Algorithm