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Trignometric Method:The following equation defines an ellipse trigonometrically as shown in fig: x = a * cos (θ) +h and In this method, the value of θ is varied from 0 to ![]() Drawback:
Algorithm:Step1: Start Algorithm Step2: Declare variable x1,y1,aa1,bb1,aa2,bb2,fx,fy,p1,a1,b1 Step3: Initialize x1=0 and y1=b/* values of starting point of circle */ Step4: Calculate aa1=a1*a1 Step5: Initialize fx = 0 Step6: Initialize fy = aa_2* b1 Step7: Calculate the value of p1and round if it is integer Step8: While (fx < fy) { Set pixel (x1,y1) Increment x i.e., x = x + 1 Calculate fx = fx + bb2 If (p1 < 0) Calculate p1 = p1 + fx + bb1/ else { Decrement y i.e., y = y-1 Calculate fy = fy - 992; p1=p1 + fx + bb1-fy } } Step9: Setpixel (x1,y1) Step10: Calculate p1=bb1 (x+.5)(x+.5)+aa(y-1)(y-1)-aa1*bb1 Step 11: While (y1>0) { Decrement y i.e., y = y-1 fy=fx-aa2/ if (p1>=0) p1=p1 - fx + aa1/ else { Increment x i.e., x = x + 1 fx= fx+bb_2 p1=p1+fx-fy-aa1 } } Set pixel (x1,y1) Step12: Stop Algorithm Program to draw a circle using Trigonometric method:#include Output: ![]() Ellipse Axis Rotation:Since the ellipse shows four-way symmetry, it can easily be rotated. The new equation is found by trading a and b, the values which describe the major and minor axes. When the polynomial method is used, the equations used to describe the ellipse become ![]() where (h, k) = ellipse center Where (x, y) = current coordinates Assume that you would like to rotate the ellipse through an angle other than 90 degrees. The rotation of the ellipse may be accomplished by rotating the x &y axis α degrees. x = a cos (0) - b sin (0+ ∞) + h y= b (sin 0) + a cos (0+∞) + k ![]()
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