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Joomla - Server SettingsTo access Joomla 'Server Settings', navigate to the "System - Global Configuration" and click on the 'Server' tab. There are five groups on the Global Configuration Server tab: Server Settings GroupThe 'Server Settings' group provides options to control temp folder, error reporting, gzip page compression, and some other settings. ![]() This group covers the following options: Path to Temp Folder - It is used to specify the path to the folder where all the temporary files are stored. If you specify the custom folder, make sure that the folder is writable. Gzip Page Compression - It is used to compress the page size and improve the loading time. Error Reporting - It is used to define the level of PHP error reporting. It has five options:
Force HTTPS - It is used to force site access to use the secure HTTPS protocol. You can select "Administrator Only" to force HTTPS for the administrators (back-end only) or select "Entire Site" to force HTTPS for all the pages of the site. Location Settings GroupThis group provides options to specify the server time zone and time/date settings. ![]() Website Time Zone - It is used to specify the time zone that the site will use to display dates and times. FTP Settings GroupIt is used to upload the file to the site using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) instead of the default PHP upload function. ![]() Enable FTP - It is used to allow or disallow Joomla to use FTP when adding, deleting, or updating web site files. The default setting is set to 'No'.
Database Settings GroupIt contains the settings used to identify the database location, the database, and tables within that database that keep configuration, and content information of the Joomla web site. It also contains the username required for accessing the database contents. It does not include the password associated with that username. These settings are defined during the Joomla installation and should not be changed unless you are migrating to a different server or a hosting account. ![]() This group covers the following options: Database Type - It is used to specify the type of database used for the Joomla site. Host - It is used to specify the hostname of the server on which the database is installed. Database Username - It is used to specify the username which has permission to access the database. Database Name - It is used to specify the name of the database. Database Tables Prefix - It is used to specify the name prefix used for the Joomla tables in the database. Mail Settings GroupMail Settings provides options for sending automatically generated emails (i.e., notifications or registration details) by the Joomla web site. ![]() This group covers the following options: Send Mail - It is used to allow or disallow sending mails from the Joomla site. Disable Mass Mail - It is used to allow or disallow sending emails to all users or all user groups using Mass Mail function. From Email - It is used to specify the email address to be displayed in the 'From' field in the email that has been sent from the site. From Name - It is used to specify the name to be displayed in the 'Sender' field in the email that has been sent from the site. Reply To Email - It is used to specify the email address on which you want to receive the email when the recipient replies to the email. Reply To Name - It is used to specify the name that will be displayed to the recipient when the recipient replies to the email. Mailer - It is used to specify the mechanism to be used when sending automatically generated emails. By default, it is set to 'PHP Mailer'.
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