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JavaScript handler.ownKeys() MethodThe handler.ownKeys() method of JavaScript is used to return an enumerable object. This method is a trap for Reflect.ownKeys(). SyntaxownKeys: function(target) Parameterstarget: The target object. Return valueReturn an enumerable object. Browser Support
Example 1<script> var proxy1 = new Proxy({}, { ownKeys: function(target) { document.writeln(" Use handler.ownKeys() is "); return ['a', 'b', 'c']; } }); document.writeln(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proxy1)); //expected output: Use handler.ownKeys() is a,b,c </script> Output: Use handler.ownKeys() is a,b,c Example 2<script> var x = { Age:24, Count: 45 } var y = { ownKeys (target) { return Reflect.ownKeys(target) } } var z = new Proxy(x,y); for (let key of Object.keys(z)) { document.writeln(key); // expected output: Age Count } </script> Output: Age Count Example 3<script> var x = { foo: 1 }; Object.defineProperty(x, 'variable', { value: 2, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true } ); var proxy = new Proxy(x, { ownKeys: function(target, a, b) { document.writeln('in ownKeys method'); var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target); //Useing Object.getOwnProperty mehod. var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target); return names.concat(symbols); } }); document.writeln(Object.keys(proxy)); //expected.output: in ownKeys method foo document.writeln(" Output: in ownKeys method foo in ownKeys method foo,variable
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