JavaScript Symbol
The JavaScript Symbol is a function that is used to identify the object properties.
Points to remember

- A Symbol() method always return a unique value.
- A symbol value may be used as an identifier for object properties.
- Symbols are immutable, just like numbers or strings.
- Symbols cannot be typecasted to primitive data types.


description: It is optional. We can pass string as an argument.
JavaScript Symbol Property
Let's see the list of JavaScript Symbol properties with their description.
Symbol.hasInstance |
It is used to determine if a constructor object recognizes an object as its instance. |
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable |
It is used to configure if an object should be flattened to its array elements. |
Symbol.match |
It is a method to identify the matching of a regular expression against a string. |
Symbol.prototype |
It is used for produce the prototype for the symbol constructor. |
Symbol.replace |
It replace matched substring of a string. | |
It returns the index within a string that matches with the regular expression. |
Symbol.split |
It splits a string at the indices that match the regular expression. |
Symbol.toPrimitive |
It is used to convert an object to its equivalent primitive value. |
Symbol.unscopables |
It is a well-known object property whose property name are excluded from with environment. |
JavaScript Symbol Methods
Let's see the list of JavaScript Symbol Method with their description.
Symbol.for() |
It is used to search for existing symbol in a runtime-wide symbol registry with the provided key and returns if it is found. Otherwise new symbol gets created with this key. |
Symbol.keyFor() |
It uses the global symbol registry to look up the key for the symbol. So it doesn't work for non-global symbols. If the symbol is not global, it won't be able to find it and returns undefined. |
Symbol.toString() |
It is used to return a string representation of an object. |