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JavaScript Reflect.apply() MethodThe static Reflect.apply() method of JavaScript is used to call a function using the specified argument. SyntaxReflect.apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList) Parametertarget: It is the target function to call. thisArgument: It is the value of this provided for the call to target. ArgumentsList: It is an array-like object specifying the argument with which target should be called. ReturnThe result of calling the given target function with the specified this value and arguments. ExceptionsThis method will throw a TypeError if the target is not callable. Example 1function g (a, b) { this.x = a; this.y = b; }const obj = {}; Reflect.apply ( g , obj, [33,44] ); console.log( obj ); Output: Object { x: 33, y: 44 } Example 2var whatsThis = function() { console.log(this); } Reflect.apply(whatsThis, 'hello', []); // Call a function that takes a variable number of args var numbers = [3, 20, 1, 55]; console.log(Reflect.apply(Math.max, undefined, numbers)); Output: "hello" 55 Example 3console.log(Reflect.apply(Math.floor, undefined, [45])); console.log(Reflect.apply(String.fromCharCode, undefined, [104, 101,103,105])); console.log(Reflect.apply(RegExp.prototype.exec, /ab/, ['confabulation']).index); console.log(Reflect.apply(''.charAt, 'Rahul', [3])); Output: 45 "hegi" 4 "u"
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