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JavaScript Keywords
Review language keywords and DOM methods that are used to create web applications.
Keywords. A city is not built all at once. One brick is added and then another. As centuries pass the city grows. Like a city, JavaScript has humble beginnings.
Keywords, list. JavaScript has many keywords. It can be used to do nearly anything that can be done with native code. Its performance improves each year.argumentsbreakcasedefaultelseforfunctionifinnewofreturnswitchtypeofvarwhile
Other methods. We find many useful built-in methods like parseInt. These are ready to use in every browser that supports JavaScript—they are efficient and well-tested.ArrayArray.isArraydecodeURIdecodeURIComponentencodeURIencodeURIComponentisNaNJSON.parseJSON.stringifyNumberparseFloatparseIntperformance.now
Custom methods. We can build complex custom methods in JavaScript. These are not included in browsers. But they can make programs simpler.Custom: Linked List
MDN. This is the Mozilla Developer Network. MDN has many good JavaScript reference pages. And it may have some insight from the developers of Firefox.Standard built-in objects: MDN
A benchmark note. JavaScript performance is in a state of flux. It is changing. New optimizations appear. I provide complete HTML benchmark pages so you can run them yourself.
A review. Over the years my perspective of JavaScript has changed. With new compilers, this language has gained performance. It is key to the web of the future.
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