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Golang csv Examples

Use the encoding-cvs package. Call NewReader and Read to read records.
CSV. Comma-separated values files are a form of flat databases. They can store small amounts of information in an efficient way. They are not efficient for big data.File
With Go and the "encoding/csv" package, we can read lines from CSV files. We can invoke, from the "os" package, a method like os.Open to specify a file.
First example. Here we open a file on the disk with os.Open. You will need to change the path to a CSV file that exists (the extension is not important).

Then: We create a new reader with bufio and pass it to the csv.NewReader method. We use Read() and test EOF.

Record: We display the entire record with Println. Then we use len to determine the number of values in each record.

Range: We use range to iterate over the indexes of the record slice. We access individual records from the line.

Golang program that uses csv, NewReader on file package main import ( "bufio" "encoding/csv" "os" "fmt" "io" ) func main() { // Load a TXT file. f, _ := os.Open("C:\\programs\\file.txt") // Create a new reader. r := csv.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(f)) for { record, err := r.Read() // Stop at EOF. if err == io.EOF { break } // Display record. // ... Display record length. // ... Display all individual elements of the slice. fmt.Println(record) fmt.Println(len(record)) for value := range record { fmt.Printf(" %v\n", record[value]) } } } Contents: file.txt cat,dog,bird 10,20,30,40 fish,dog,snake Output [cat dog bird] 3 cat dog bird [10 20 30 40] 4 10 20 30 40 [fish dog snake] 3 fish dog snake
ReadAll, strings. We can read lines from a string. First we must use strings.NewReader and use the string as the argument. We pass that Reader to csv.NewReader.

ReadAll: This consumes the entire CSV Reader's data at once. We then can use a for-loop to iterate over the lines.


Underscore: In this example we ignore the error result from ReadAll. We use an underscore variable name to discard the error.

Raw literal: We specify the string as a raw literal with backtick characters. The string has three lines.

Golang program that uses ReadAll, strings.NewReader package main import ( "encoding/csv" "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { // Create a 3-line string. data := `fish,blue,water fox,red,farm sheep,white,mountain frog,green,pond` // Use strings.NewReader. // ... This creates a new Reader for passing to csv.NewReader. r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(data)) // Read all records. result, _ := r.ReadAll() fmt.Printf("Lines: %v", len(result)) fmt.Println() for i := range result { // Element count. fmt.Printf("Elements: %v", len(result[i])) fmt.Println() // Elements. fmt.Println(result[i]) } } Output Lines: 4 Elements: 3 [fish blue water] Elements: 3 [fox red farm] Elements: 3 [sheep white mountain] Elements: 3 [frog green pond]
2D slice. With ReadAll we receive a 2D slice of lines and the values within each line. We can use len to count elements in a line. With append() we can add to this 2D slice.Len2D Slice
Advantages. Why not just use a Scanner and Split each line in a file? The csv package can help us avoid some code. We can reuse the code provided in the Go standard library.
A review. The "encoding/csv" package is powerful. We set options on the Reader to handle different formats of files. We read CSV values from a file on the disk.
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