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Golang fmt.Println Examples

Use the fmt package to write values to the console. Call Println and Sprintf.
Fmt, printing. A program keeps some of its memory private. It does not need to tell us everything it does. But sometimes output needs to be printed and reported.
With fmt, a package included with Go, we display data to the console or another location. With classic methods like Printf and Println, fmt is easy to use.
Println. Let us begin with the Println method. This method is one of the easiest and simplest ones in fmt. We first must use an import statement with the argument "fmt."

Then: We invoke methods, like Println, on the fmt package. Println is versatile and can accept many arguments.

Tip: We can print values like strings or ints, or more complex things like slices. No loop is needed to print elements of a slice or array.

Golang program that uses fmt, Println package main import "fmt" func main() { // The Println method can handle one or more arguments. fmt.Println("cat") fmt.Println("cat", 900) // Use Println on a slice. items := []int{10, 20, 30} fmt.Println(items) } Output cat cat 900 [10 20 30]
Print, for-loop. The Println always inserts a newline after we use it. But Print does not: it just writes the data to the console with no trailing newline.

Tip: For loops where we want to display many things on a single line, Print is ideal.

Golang program that uses Print on slice package main import "fmt" func main() { elements := []int{999, 99, 9} // Loop over the int slice and Print its elements. // ... No newline is inserted after Print. for i := 0; i < len(elements); i++ { fmt.Print(elements[i] + 1) fmt.Print(" ") } fmt.Println("... DONE!") } Output 1000 100 10 ... DONE!
Printf. This method accepts a format string. We use codes like "%s" and "%d" in this string to indicate insertion points for values. Those values are also passed as arguments.
Golang program that uses Printf package main import "fmt" func main() { name := "Mittens" weight := 12 // Use %s to mean string. // ... Use an explicit newline. fmt.Printf("The cat is named %s.\n", name) // Use %d to mean integer. fmt.Printf("Its weight is %d.\n", weight) } Output The cat is named Mittens. Its weight is 12.
Printf, V format. With Printf many format codes are available. But to make programs simpler, we can just use the "%v" format code to insert values.

And: The v code handles ints, bools, strings and other values. It makes Printf calls easier to write and read.

Golang program that uses Printf, V code package main import "fmt" func main() { result := true name := "Spark" size := 2000 // Print line with v format codes. fmt.Printf("Result = %v, Name = %v, Size = %v", result, name, size) } Output Result = true, Name = Spark, Size = 2000
Print, println. Print and println are universal functions. We can call these without referencing the "fmt" package. But their functionality is not identical to the fmt methods.Built-Ins

Warning: Idiomatic Go tends to use fmt.Println not just println. The fmt package is thus preferred.

Golang program that uses print, println package main func main() { value := 10 // Use println. println(value) // Use print. // ... Use println with no arguments to write a newline. print(value) println() // Done. println("DONE") } Output 10 10 DONE
Println differences. The println universal function has different output than the fmt.Println method. They are not the interchangeable.

Here: Consider a slice of two ints. Fmt.Println displays the elements, but "println" displays a reference value.

Golang program that shows println differences package main import "fmt" func main() { items := []int{10, 20} // These two println methods have different output. fmt.Println(items) println(items) } Output [10 20] [2/2]0xc08200a250
Sprintf. This method is a string-based form of Printf. The "S" stands for "string." So we use Printf and it returns a string—the value is not written to the console.

Here: We use 2 formats (the "%v" handles any value) to compose 1 string. We then print its length, and its contents with fmt.Prinln.

Tip: If we want to store the results of Printf in a string (for later use or processing) then Sprintf is ideal.

Golang program that uses fmt.Sprintf import "fmt" func main() { value1 := "a tree"; value2 := "the park"; // Use format string to generate string. result := fmt.Sprintf("I saw %v at %v.\n", value1, value2) // Write length of string, and string itself. fmt.Println("Length:", len(result)) fmt.Println(result) } Output Length: 26 I saw a tree at the park.
Sprintln. This func takes any number or arguments—it works the same way as fmt.Println, but returns a string. It does not support format codes.
Golang program that uses Sprintln package main import "fmt" func main() { // Use Sprintln, no format strings are supported. // ... A newline is added. // A string is returned. result := fmt.Sprintln("Hey friend", 100) fmt.Print("[" + result + "]") } Output [Hey friend 100 ]
Fprint, Fprintf. These methods are just like fmt.Print but target a file in the first argument. They write to files—nothing is written to the console.Fprint
Sscan, Sscanf. We can parse in space-separated values with fmt.Sscan. And with Sscanf we use a format string to parse in values. Sometimes this is easier than using split() or fields().Sscan, Sscanf
Padding. We can apply padding with fmt.Printf to ensure strings are a certain number of characters long. Spaces are added before or after the value.Padding
Notes on fmt. Most programs in this Go tutorial use the import "fmt" statement. They are console programs, designed to be compiled and run directly.

Quote: Package fmt implements formatted IO with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf. The format 'verbs' are derived from C's but are simpler.

With methods prefixed by s, we can output the results to a string. We can write those strings to a file, or use them in any way we can use a string.
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