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Lookup: This method is called with a byte slice argument. Pass -1 to get all indexes found, and any other number to get a specific count.
Result: The Lookup method returns an int slice. These are the positions of the indexes found.
For: Lookup returns an int slice, so we can use a for-range loop to iterate over its results.
ForGolang program that uses suffixarray
package main
import (
func main() {
// A byte string.
value := []byte("cat dog cat cat bird")
// Create a new suffixarray index.
index := suffixarray.New(value)
// Find all instances of this byte slice in the source slice.
cats := index.Lookup([]byte("cat"), -1)
// Display all the substrings starting at each index found.
for i := range cats {
// Find just one index.
catsOne := index.Lookup([]byte("cat"), 1)
// Find another index.
birds := index.Lookup([]byte("bird"), -1)
[12 8 0]
cat bird
cat cat bird
cat dog cat cat bird
Version 1: This finds all instances of the bytes "cat" in the data. It uses suffixarray and the Lookup method.
Version 2: This uses nested for-loops to search for the bytes in each position of the string.
Result: The suffixarray version is faster. But please note that the suffixarray.New method is not timed.
Golang program that benchmarks suffixarray
package main
import (
func main() {
// The data we are searching.
value := []byte("cat dog cat cat bird")
// The data we search for.
test := []byte("cat")
// Create index with suffixarray.
index := suffixarray.New(value)
t0 := time.Now()
// Version 1: use suffixarray method.
for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
cats := index.Lookup(test, -1)
if len(cats) != 3 {
t1 := time.Now()
// Version 2: build slice of indexes with for-loops.
for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
results := []int{}
for start := 0; start < len(value); start++ {
equal := true
for c := 0; c < len(test); c++ {
if start + c >= len(value) {
if test[c] != value[start + c] {
equal = false
if equal {
results = append(results, start)
if len(results) != 3 {
t2 := time.Now()
// Benchmark results.
214.4069ms, Uses suffixarray, Lookup
290.3657ms, For-loops