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Tip: For complex string mutations, building up a new string based on characters is sometimes easiest.
For: We use a for-in loop to iterate over the three characters in the Character array.
Then: We add each character 3 times to the result string. We finally print the string to the console.
PrintSwift program that uses append, adds Characters to string
let chars: [Character] = ["A", "B", "C"]
var result = String()
// Loop over all Characters in the array.
for char in chars {
for var i in 0..<3 {
// Append a Character to the string.
// Write the result String.
Swift program that appends strings
var result = "cat"
// The append method can append a string.
result.append(" and dog")
cat and dog
Here: We use reserveCapacity with an argument of 100, which accommodates 100 ASCII characters.
Swift program that uses reserveCapacity
// Use reserveCapacity to ensure enough memory.
// ... This reduces resizing.
var pattern = String()
// Add characters to string.
for i in 0..<100 {
pattern += "a"
// Print first 20 characters of the string.
print(pattern[pattern.startIndex..<pattern.index(pattern.startIndex, offsetBy: 20)])