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Program to convert days into yearsExplanationWell, we know that one year is the sum of 365 days(non-leap year). So the basic formula to convert days into years is to divide the number of days by number(365). Number of years = (Number of days ) / 365 Algorithm
ComplexityO(1) SolutionPythondays= 5555 years= days / 365 print("Number of years is: "); print(years); Output: Number of years is: 15 C#include<stdio.h> int main() { int days, years; days= 543; years= days / 365; printf("\n\n Number of years is : %d",years); return (0); } Output: Number of years is: 1 JAVApublic class Main { public static void main (String args[]) { int days, years; days = 799; years = days / 365; System.out.println("Number of years is:"+years); }} Output: Number of years is: 2 C#using System; class main { static void Main() { int days, years; days =6788; years = days / 365; Console.WriteLine("Number of years is: "+years); }} Output: Number of years is: 18 PHP<?php $days = 4446 ; $years = ($days)/365 ; echo("Number of years is: "); echo($years); ?> Output: Number of years is: 12
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