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Program to find the maximum and minimum value node from a circular linked listExplanationIn this program, we will create a circular linked list then, iterate through the list to find out the minimum and maximum node. 9->5->2->7->3 We will maintain two variables min and max. Min will hold the minimum value node, and max will hold the maximum value node. In above example, 2 will be the minimum value node and 9 will be the maximum value node. Algorithm
SolutionPython#Represents the node of list. class Node: def __init__(self,data): self.data = data; self.next = None; class CreateList: #Declaring head and tail pointer as null. def __init__(self): self.head = Node(None); self.tail = Node(None); self.head.next = self.tail; self.tail.next = self.head; #This function will add the new node at the end of the list. def add(self,data): newNode = Node(data); #Checks if the list is empty. if self.head.data is None: #If list is empty, both head and tail would point to new node. self.head = newNode; self.tail = newNode; newNode.next = self.head; else: #tail will point to new node. self.tail.next = newNode; #New node will become new tail. self.tail = newNode; #Since, it is circular linked list tail will point to head. self.tail.next = self.head; #Finds out the minimum value node in the list def minNode(self): current = self.head; #Initializing min to initial node data minimum = self.head.data; if(self.head == None): print("List is empty"); else: while(True): #If current node's data is smaller than min #Then replace value of min with current node's data if(minimum > current.data): minimum = current.data; current= current.next; if(current == self.head): break; print("Minimum value node in the list: "+ str(minimum)); #Finds out the maximum value node in the list def maxNode(self): current = self.head; #Initializing max to initial node data maximum = self.head.data; if(self.head == None): print("List is empty"); else: while(True): #If current node's data is greater than max #Then replace value of max with current node's data if(maximum < current.data): maximum = current.data; current= current.next; if(current == self.head): break; print("Maximum value node in the list: "+ str(maximum)); class CircularLinkedList: cl = CreateList(); #Adds data to the list cl.add(5); cl.add(20); cl.add(10); cl.add(1); #Prints the minimum value node in the list cl.minNode(); #Prints the maximum value node in the list cl.maxNode(); Output: Minimum value node in the list: 1 Maximum value node in the list: 20 C#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> //Represents the node of list. struct node{ int data; struct node *next; }; //Declaring head and tail pointer as null. struct node *head = NULL; struct node *tail = NULL; //This function will add the new node at the end of the list. void add(int data){ //Create new node struct node *newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); newNode->data = data; //Checks if the list is empty. if(head == NULL){ //If list is empty, both head and tail would point to new node. head = newNode; tail = newNode; newNode->next = head; }else { //tail will point to new node. tail->next = newNode; //New node will become new tail. tail = newNode; //Since, it is circular linked list tail will point to head. tail->next = head; } } //Finds out the minimum value node in the list void minNode() { struct node *current = head; //Initializing min to initial node data int min = head->data; if(head == NULL) { printf("\nList is empty"); } else { do{ //If current node's data is smaller than min //Then replace value of min with current node's data if(min > current->data) { min = current->data; } current= current->next; }while(current != head); printf("Minimum value node in the list: %d", min); } } //Finds out the maximum value node in the list void maxNode() { struct node *current = head; //Initializing max to initial node data int max = head->data; if(head == NULL) { printf("\nList is empty"); } else { do{ //If current node's data is greater than max //Then replace value of max with current node's data if(max < current->data) { max = current->data; } current= current->next; }while(current != head); printf("\nMaximum value node in the list: %d", max); } } int main() { //Adds data to the list add(5); add(20); add(10); add(1); //Prints the minimum value node in the list minNode(); //Prints the maximum value node in the list maxNode(); return 0; } Output: Minimum value node in the list: 1 Maximum value node in the list: 20 JAVApublic class MinMax { //Represents the node of list. public class Node{ int data; Node next; public Node(int data) { this.data = data; } } //Declaring head and tail pointer as null. public Node head = null; public Node tail = null; //This function will add the new node at the end of the list. public void add(int data){ //Create new node Node newNode = new Node(data); //Checks if the list is empty. if(head == null) { //If list is empty, both head and tail would point to new node. head = newNode; tail = newNode; newNode.next = head; } else { //tail will point to new node. tail.next = newNode; //New node will become new tail. tail = newNode; //Since, it is circular linked list tail will points to head. tail.next = head; } } //Finds out the minimum value node in the list public void minNode() { Node current = head; //Initializing min to initial node data int min = head.data; if(head == null) { System.out.println("List is empty"); } else { do{ //If current node's data is smaller than min //Then replace value of min with current node's data if(min > current.data) { min = current.data; } current= current.next; }while(current != head); System.out.println("Minimum value node in the list: "+ min); } } //Finds out the maximum value node in the list public void maxNode() { Node current = head; //Initializing max to initial node data int max = head.data; if(head == null) { System.out.println("List is empty"); } else { do{ //If current node's data is greater than max //Then replace value of max with current node's data if(max < current.data) { max = current.data; } current= current.next; }while(current != head); System.out.println("Maximum value node in the list: "+ max); } } public static void main(String[] args) { MinMax cl = new MinMax(); //Adds data to the list cl.add(5); cl.add(20); cl.add(10); cl.add(1); //Prints the minimum value node in the list cl.minNode(); //Prints the maximum value node in the list cl.maxNode(); } } Output: Minimum value node in the list: 1 Maximum value node in the list: 20 C#using System; namespace CircularLinkedList { public class Program { //Represents the node of list. public class Node<T>{ public T data; public Node<T> next; public Node(T value) { data = value; next = null; } } public class CreateList<T> where T : IComparable<T> { protected Node<T> head = null; protected Node<T> tail = null; //This function will add the new node at the end of the list. public void add(T data){ //Create new node Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(data); //Checks if the list is empty. if(head == null){ head = newNode; tail = newNode; newNode.next = head; }else{ //tail will point to new node. tail.next = newNode; //New node will become new tail. tail = newNode; //Since, it is circular linked list tail will point to head. tail.next = head; } } //Finds out the minimum value node in the list public void minNode() { Node<T> current = head; //Initializing min to initial node data T min = head.data; if(head == null) { Console.WriteLine("List is empty"); } else { do{ //If current node's data is smaller than min //Then replace value of min with current node's data if(min.CompareTo(current.data) > 0) { min = current.data; } current= current.next; }while(current != head); Console.WriteLine("Minimum value node in the list: "+ min); } } //Finds out the maximum value node in the list public void maxNode() { Node<T> current = head; //Initializing max to initial node data T max = head.data; if(head == null) { Console.WriteLine("List is empty"); } else { do{ //If current node's data is greater than max //Then replace value of max with current node's data if(max.CompareTo(current.data) < 0) { max = current.data; } current= current.next; }while(current != head); Console.WriteLine("Maximum value node in the list: "+ max); } } } public static void Main() { CreateList<int> cl = new CreateList<int>(); //Adds data to the list cl.add(5); cl.add(20); cl.add(10); cl.add(1); //Prints the minimum value node in the list cl.minNode(); //Prints the maximum value node in the list cl.maxNode(); } } } Output: Minimum value node in the list: 1 Maximum value node in the list: 20 PHP<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php //Represents the node of list. class Node{ public $data; public $next; function __construct($data){ $this->data = $data; $this->next = NULL; } } class CreateList{ //Declaring head and tail pointer as null. private $head; private $tail; function __construct(){ $this->head = NULL; $this->tail = NULL; } //This function will add the new node at the end of the list. function add($data){ //Create new node $newNode = new Node($data); //Checks if the list is empty. if($this->head == NULL){ //If list is empty, both head and tail would point to new node. $this->head = $newNode; $this->tail = $newNode; $newNode->next = $this->head; } else{ //tail will point to new node. $this->tail->next = $newNode; //New node will become new tail. $this->tail = $newNode; //Since, it is circular linked list tail will point to head. $this->tail->next = $this->head; } } //Finds out the minimum value node in the list function minNode() { $current = $this->head; //Initializing min to initial node data $min = $this->head->data; if($this->head == NULL) { echo "List is empty"; } else { do{ //If current node's data is smaller than min //Then replace value of min with current node's data if($min > $current->data) { $min = $current->data; } $current= $current->next; }while($current != $this->head); echo "Minimum value node in the list: $min <br>"; } } //Finds out the maximum value node in the list function maxNode() { $current = $this->head; //Initializing max to initial node data $max = $this->head->data; if($this->head == NULL) { echo "List is empty"; } else { do{ //If current node's data is greater than max //Then replace value of max with current node's data if($max < $current->data) { $max = $current->data; } $current= $current->next; }while($current != $this->head); echo "Maximum value node in the list: $max <br>"; } } } $cl = new CreateList(); //Adds data to the list $cl->add(5); $cl->add(20); $cl->add(10); $cl->add(1); //Prints the minimum value node in the list $cl->minNode(); //Prints the maximum value node in the list $cl->maxNode(); ?> </body> </html> Output: Minimum value node in the list: 1 Maximum value node in the list: 20
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