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Python Program to Generate a Random NumberIn Python programming, you can generate a random integer, doubles, longs etc . in various ranges by importing a "random" class. In Python, we can generate a random integer, doubles, long, etc in various ranges by importing a "random" module. In the following example, we will learn how to generate random numbers using the random module. Syntax: First, we have to import the random module and then apply the syntax: import random Generating a Random NumberThe random module provides a random() method which generates a float number between 0 and 1. Let's see the following example. Example - import random n = random.random() print(n) Output: 0.7632870997556201 If we run the code again, we will get the different output as follows. 0.8053503984689108 Generating a Number within a Given RangePython random module provides the randint() method that generates an integer number within a specific range. We can pass the two numbers as arguments that defines the range. Let's understand the following example. Example - 1: import random n = random.randint(0,50) print(n) Output: 40 Example - 2: import random n = random.randint(100, 200) print(n) Output: 143 Using for loopThe randint() method can be used with for loop to generated a list of random numbers. To do so, we need to create an empty list, and then append the random numbers generated to the empty list one by one. Let's understand the following example. Example - import random rand_list = [] for i in range(0,10): n = random.randint(1,50) rand_list.append(n) print(rand_list) Output: [10, 49, 16, 31, 45, 21, 19, 32, 30, 16] Using random.sample()The random module also provides the sample() method, which directly generates a list of random numbers. Below is the example of generating random numbers using the sample() method. Example - import random #Generate 5 random numbers between 10 and 30 random_list = random.sample(range(10, 40), 6) print(random_list) Output: [18, 25, 26, 29, 14, 31] In the above code, we have used the range() function, which generates the numbers between the given range.
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