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Listdir: The program uses the listdir method, part of the "os" module. The file names include no directories.
PathJoin: It next uses the join method. This method combines the directory with the file name.
Getsize: It finally uses the getsize method. This returns the size. It adds a new tuple to the pairs list.
Finally: We call the sort method with an argument, a lambda expression that sorts based on a key. The key is the first element (the size) of each tuple.
SortLambdaPython program that sorts files by size
import os
# The folder containing files.
directory = "C:\\programs\\"
# Get all files.
list = os.listdir(directory)
# Loop and add files to list.
pairs = []
for file in list:
# Use join to get full file path.
location = os.path.join(directory, file)
# Get size and add to list of tuples.
size = os.path.getsize(location)
pairs.append((size, file))
# Sort list of tuples by the first element, size.
pairs.sort(key=lambda s: s[0])
# Display pairs.
for pair in pairs:
(184, 'file.pl')
(235, 'file.php')
(369, 'file.rb')
(611, 'file.py')