500+ HTML Color Names
There is given a list of all HTML color names with hexadecimal code alphabetically. It is arranged from A to Z.
It is recommended to use hex values than html color names because it occupies less space. Whenever you minify your css file, it uses hex color value replacing html color names.
Let's see the list of 500+ html color names.
A color names

There is given a list of 13 color names that starts with A letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
AliceBlue |
| #f0f8ff |
AntiqueWhite | | #faebd7 |
AntiqueWhite1 | | #ffefdb |
AntiqueWhite2 | | #eedfcc |
AntiqueWhite3 | | #cdc0b0 |
AntiqueWhite4 | | #8b8378 |
aquamarine1 | | #7fffd4 |
aquamarine2 | | #76eec6 |
aquamarine4 | | #458b74 |
azure1 | | #f0ffff |
azure2 | | #e0eeee |
azure3 | | #c1cdcd |
azure4 | | #838b8b |
B color names

There is given a list of 21 color names that starts with B letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
beige | | #f5f5dc |
bisque1 | | #ffe4c4 |
bisque2 | | #eed5b7 |
bisque3 | | #cdb79e |
bisque4 | | #8b7d6b |
black | | #000000 |
BlanchedAlmond | | #ffebcd |
blue1 | | #0000ff |
blue2 | | #0000ee |
blue4 | | #00008b |
BlueViolet | | #8a2be2 |
brown | | #a52a2a |
brown1 | | #ff4040 |
brown2 | | #ee3b3b |
brown3 | | #cd3333 |
brown4 | | #8b2323 |
burlywood | | #deb887 |
burlywood1 | | #ffd39b |
burlywood2 | | #eec591 |
burlywood3 | | #cdaa7d |
burlywood4 | | #8b7355 |
C color names

There is given a list of 27 color names that starts with C letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
CadetBlue | | #5f9ea0 |
CadetBlue1 | | #98f5ff |
CadetBlue2 | | #8ee5ee |
CadetBlue3 | | #7ac5cd |
CadetBlue4 | | #53868b |
chartreuse1 | | #7fff00 |
chartreuse2 | | #76ee00 |
chartreuse3 | | #66cd00 |
chartreuse4 | | #458b00 |
chocolate | | #d2691e |
chocolate1 | | #ff7f24 |
chocolate2 | | #ee7621 |
chocolate3 | | #cd661d |
coral | | #ff7f50 |
coral1 | | #ff7256 |
coral2 | | #ee6a50 |
coral3 | | #cd5b45 |
coral4 | | #8b3e2f |
CornflowerBlue | | #6495ed |
cornsilk1 | | #fff8dc |
cornsilk2 | | #eee8cd |
cornsilk3 | | #cdc8b1 |
cornsilk4 | | #8b8878 |
cyan1 | | #00ffff |
cyan2 | | #00eeee |
cyan3 | | #00cdcd |
cyan4 | | #008b8b |
D color names
There is given a list of 49 color names that starts with D letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
DarkGoldenrod | | #b8860b |
DarkGoldenrod1 | | #ffb90f |
DarkGoldenrod2 | | #eead0e |
DarkGoldenrod3 | | #cd950c |
DarkGoldenrod4 | | #8b6508 |
DarkGreen | | #006400 |
DarkKhaki | | #bdb76b |
DarkOliveGreen | | #556b2f |
DarkOliveGreen1 | | #caff70 |
DarkOliveGreen2 | | #bcee68 |
DarkOliveGreen3 | | #a2cd5a |
DarkOliveGreen4 | | #6e8b3d |
DarkOrange | | #ff8c00 |
DarkOrange1 | | #ff7f00 |
DarkOrange2 | | #ee7600 |
DarkOrange3 | | #cd6600 |
DarkOrange4 | | #8b4500 |
DarkOrchid | | #9932cc |
DarkOrchid1 | | #bf3eff |
DarkOrchid2 | | #b23aee |
DarkOrchid3 | | #9a32cd |
DarkOrchid4 | | #68228b |
DarkSalmon | | #e9967a |
DarkSeaGreen | | #8fbc8f |
DarkSeaGreen1 | | #c1ffc1 |
DarkSeaGreen2 | | #b4eeb4 |
DarkSeaGreen3 | | #9bcd9b |
DarkSeaGreen4 | | #698b69 |
DarkSlateBlue | | #483d8b |
DarkSlateGray | | #2f4f4f |
DarkSlateGray1 | | #97ffff |
DarkSlateGray2 | | #8deeee |
DarkSlateGray3 | | #79cdcd |
DarkSlateGray4 | | #528b8b |
DarkTurquoise | | #00ced1 |
DarkViolet | | #9400d3 |
DeepPink1 | | #ff1493 |
DeepPink2 | | #ee1289 |
DeepPink3 | | #cd1076 |
DeepPink4 | | #8b0a50 |
DeepSkyBlue1 | | #00bfff |
DeepSkyBlue2 | | #00b2ee |
DeepSkyBlue3 | | #009acd |
DeepSkyBlue4 | | #00688b |
DimGray | | #696969 |
DodgerBlue1 | | #1e90ff |
DodgerBlue2 | | #1c86ee |
DodgerBlue3 | | #1874cd |
DodgerBlue4 | | #104e8b |
F color names
There is given a list of 7 color names that starts with F letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
firebrick | | #b22222 |
firebrick1 | | #ff3030 |
firebrick2 | | #ee2c2c |
firebrick3 | | #cd2626 |
firebrick4 | | #8b1a1a |
FloralWhite | | #fffaf0 |
ForestGreen | | #228b22 |
G color names
There is given a list of 115 color names that starts with G letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
gainsboro | | #dcdcdc |
GhostWhite | | #f8f8ff |
gold1 | | #ffd700 |
gold2 | | #eec900 |
gold3 | | #cdad00 |
gold4 | | #8b7500 |
goldenrod | | #daa520 |
goldenrod1 | | #ffc125 |
goldenrod2 | | #eeb422 |
goldenrod3 | | #cd9b1d |
goldenrod4 | | #8b6914 |
gray | | #bebebe |
gray1 | | #030303 |
gray10 | | #1a1a1a |
gray11 | | #1c1c1c |
gray12 | | #1f1f1f |
gray13 | | #212121 |
gray14 | | #242424 |
gray15 | | #262626 |
gray16 | | #292929 |
gray17 | | #2b2b2b |
gray18 | | #2e2e2e |
gray19 | | #303030 |
gray2 | | #050505 |
gray20 | | #333333 |
gray21 | | #363636 |
gray22 | | #383838 |
gray23 | | #3b3b3b |
gray24 | | #3d3d3d |
gray25 | | #404040 |
gray26 | | #424242 |
gray27 | | #454545 |
gray28 | | #474747 |
gray29 | | #4a4a4a |
gray3 | | #080808 |
gray30 | | #4d4d4d |
gray31 | | #4f4f4f |
gray32 | | #525252 |
gray33 | | #545454 |
gray34 | | #575757 |
gray35 | | #595959 |
gray36 | | #5c5c5c |
gray37 | | #5e5e5e |
gray38 | | #616161 |
gray39 | | #636363 |
gray4 | | #0a0a0a |
gray40 | | #666666 |
gray41 | | #696969 |
gray42 | | #6b6b6b |
gray43 | | #6e6e6e |
gray44 | | #707070 |
gray45 | | #737373 |
gray46 | | #757575 |
gray47 | | #787878 |
gray48 | | #7a7a7a |
gray49 | | #7d7d7d |
gray5 | | #0d0d0d |
gray50 | | #7f7f7f |
gray51 | | #828282 |
gray52 | | #858585 |
gray53 | | #878787 |
gray54 | | #8a8a8a |
gray55 | | #8c8c8c |
gray56 | | #8f8f8f |
gray57 | | #919191 |
gray58 | | #949494 |
gray59 | | #969696 |
gray6 | | #0f0f0f |
gray60 | | #999999 |
gray61 | | #9c9c9c |
gray62 | | #9e9e9e |
gray63 | | #a1a1a1 |
gray64 | | #a3a3a3 |
gray65 | | #a6a6a6 |
gray66 | | #a8a8a8 |
gray67 | | #ababab |
gray68 | | #adadad |
gray69 | | #b0b0b0 |
gray7 | | #121212 |
gray70 | | #b3b3b3 |
gray71 | | #b5b5b5 |
gray72 | | #b8b8b8 |
gray73 | | #bababa |
gray74 | | #bdbdbd |
gray75 | | #bfbfbf |
gray76 | | #c2c2c2 |
gray77 | | #c4c4c4 |
gray78 | | #c7c7c7 |
gray79 | | #c9c9c9 |
gray8 | | #141414 |
gray80 | | #cccccc |
gray81 | | #cfcfcf |
gray82 | | #d1d1d1 |
gray83 | | #d4d4d4 |
gray84 | | #d6d6d6 |
gray85 | | #d9d9d9 |
gray86 | | #dbdbdb |
gray87 | | #dedede |
gray88 | | #e0e0e0 |
gray89 | | #e3e3e3 |
gray9 | | #171717 |
gray90 | | #e5e5e5 |
gray91 | | #e8e8e8 |
gray92 | | #ebebeb |
gray93 | | #ededed |
gray94 | | #f0f0f0 |
gray95 | | #f2f2f2 |
gray97 | | #f7f7f7 |
gray98 | | #fafafa |
gray99 | | #fcfcfc |
green1 | | #00ff00 |
green2 | | #00ee00 |
green3 | | #00cd00 |
green4 | | #008b00 |
GreenYellow | | #adff2f |
H color names
There is given a list of 9 color names that starts with H letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
honeydew1 | | #f0fff0 |
honeydew2 | | #e0eee0 |
honeydew3 | | #c1cdc1 |
honeydew4 | | #838b83 |
HotPink | | #ff69b4 |
HotPink1 | | #ff6eb4 |
HotPink2 | | #ee6aa7 |
HotPink3 | | #cd6090 |
HotPink4 | | #8b3a62 |
I color names
There is given a list of 9 color names that starts with I letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
IndianRed | | #cd5c5c |
IndianRed1 | | #ff6a6a |
IndianRed2 | | #ee6363 |
IndianRed3 | | #cd5555 |
IndianRed4 | | #8b3a3a |
ivory1 | | #fffff0 |
ivory2 | | #eeeee0 |
ivory3 | | #cdcdc1 |
ivory4 | | #8b8b83 |
K color names
There is given a list of 5 color names that starts with K letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
khaki | | #f0e68c |
khaki1 | | #fff68f |
khaki2 | | #eee685 |
khaki3 | | #cdc673 |
khaki4 | | #8b864e |
L color names
There is given a list of 55 color names that starts with L letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
lavender | | #e6e6fa |
LavenderBlush1 | | #fff0f5 |
LavenderBlush2 | | #eee0e5 |
LavenderBlush3 | | #cdc1c5 |
LavenderBlush4 | | #8b8386 |
LawnGreen | | #7cfc00 |
LemonChiffon1 | | #fffacd |
LemonChiffon2 | | #eee9bf |
LemonChiffon3 | | #cdc9a5 |
LemonChiffon4 | | #8b8970 |
light | | #eedd82 |
LightBlue | | #add8e6 |
LightBlue1 | | #bfefff |
LightBlue2 | | #b2dfee |
LightBlue3 | | #9ac0cd |
LightBlue4 | | #68838b |
LightCoral | | #f08080 |
LightCyan1 | | #e0ffff |
LightCyan2 | | #d1eeee |
LightCyan3 | | #b4cdcd |
LightCyan4 | | #7a8b8b |
LightGoldenrod1 | | #ffec8b |
LightGoldenrod2 | | #eedc82 |
LightGoldenrod3 | | #cdbe70 |
LightGoldenrod4 | | #8b814c |
LightGoldenrodYellow | | #fafad2 |
LightGray | | #d3d3d3 |
LightPink | | #ffb6c1 |
LightPink1 | | #ffaeb9 |
LightPink2 | | #eea2ad |
LightPink3 | | #cd8c95 |
LightPink4 | | #8b5f65 |
LightSalmon1 | | #ffa07a |
LightSalmon2 | | #ee9572 |
LightSalmon3 | | #cd8162 |
LightSalmon4 | | #8b5742 |
LightSeaGreen | | #20b2aa |
LightSkyBlue | | #87cefa |
LightSkyBlue1 | | #b0e2ff |
LightSkyBlue2 | | #a4d3ee |
LightSkyBlue3 | | #8db6cd |
LightSkyBlue4 | | #607b8b |
LightSlateBlue | | #8470ff |
LightSlateGray | | #778899 |
LightSteelBlue | | #b0c4de |
LightSteelBlue1 | | #cae1ff |
LightSteelBlue2 | | #bcd2ee |
LightSteelBlue3 | | #a2b5cd |
LightSteelBlue4 | | #6e7b8b |
LightYellow1 | | #ffffe0 |
LightYellow2 | | #eeeed1 |
LightYellow3 | | #cdcdb4 |
LightYellow4 | | #8b8b7a |
LimeGreen | | #32cd32 |
linen | | #faf0e6 |
M color names
There is given a list of 34 color names that starts with M letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
magenta | | #ff00ff |
magenta2 | | #ee00ee |
magenta3 | | #cd00cd |
magenta4 | | #8b008b |
maroon | | #b03060 |
maroon1 | | #ff34b3 |
maroon2 | | #ee30a7 |
maroon3 | | #cd2990 |
maroon4 | | #8b1c62 |
medium | | #66cdaa |
MediumAquamarine | | #66cdaa |
MediumBlue | | #0000cd |
MediumOrchid | | #ba55d3 |
MediumOrchid1 | | #e066ff |
MediumOrchid2 | | #d15fee |
MediumOrchid3 | | #b452cd |
MediumOrchid4 | | #7a378b |
MediumPurple | | #9370db |
MediumPurple1 | | #ab82ff |
MediumPurple2 | | #9f79ee |
MediumPurple3 | | #8968cd |
MediumPurple4 | | #5d478b |
MediumSeaGreen | | #3cb371 |
MediumSlateBlue | | #7b68ee |
MediumSpringGreen | | #00fa9a |
MediumTurquoise | | #48d1cc |
MediumVioletRed | | #c71585 |
MidnightBlue | | #191970 |
MintCream | | #f5fffa |
MistyRose1 | | #ffe4e1 |
MistyRose2 | | #eed5d2 |
MistyRose3 | | #cdb7b5 |
MistyRose4 | | #8b7d7b |
moccasin | | #ffe4b5 |
N color names
There is given a list of 5 color names that starts with N letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
NavajoWhite1 | | #ffdead |
NavajoWhite2 | | #eecfa1 |
NavajoWhite3 | | #cdb38b |
NavajoWhite4 | | #8b795e |
NavyBlue | | #000080 |
O color names
There is given a list of 18 color names that starts with O letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
OldLace | | #fdf5e6 |
OliveDrab | | #6b8e23 |
OliveDrab1 | | #c0ff3e |
OliveDrab2 | | #b3ee3a |
OliveDrab4 | | #698b22 |
orange1 | | #ffa500 |
orange2 | | #ee9a00 |
orange3 | | #cd8500 |
orange4 | | #8b5a00 |
OrangeRed1 | | #ff4500 |
OrangeRed2 | | #ee4000 |
OrangeRed3 | | #cd3700 |
OrangeRed4 | | #8b2500 |
orchid | | #da70d6 |
orchid1 | | #ff83fa |
orchid2 | | #ee7ae9 |
orchid3 | | #cd69c9 |
orchid4 | | #8b4789 |
P color names
There is given a list of 38 color names that starts with P letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
pale | | #db7093 |
PaleGoldenrod | | #eee8aa |
PaleGreen | | #98fb98 |
PaleGreen1 | | #9aff9a |
PaleGreen2 | | #90ee90 |
PaleGreen3 | | #7ccd7c |
PaleGreen4 | | #548b54 |
PaleTurquoise | | #afeeee |
PaleTurquoise1 | | #bbffff |
PaleTurquoise2 | | #aeeeee |
PaleTurquoise3 | | #96cdcd |
PaleTurquoise4 | | #668b8b |
PaleVioletRed | | #db7093 |
PaleVioletRed1 | | #ff82ab |
PaleVioletRed2 | | #ee799f |
PaleVioletRed3 | | #cd6889 |
PaleVioletRed4 | | #8b475d |
PapayaWhip | | #ffefd5 |
PeachPuff1 | | #ffdab9 |
PeachPuff2 | | #eecbad |
PeachPuff3 | | #cdaf95 |
PeachPuff4 | | #8b7765 |
pink | | #ffc0cb |
pink1 | | #ffb5c5 |
pink2 | | #eea9b8 |
pink3 | | #cd919e |
pink4 | | #8b636c |
plum | | #dda0dd |
plum1 | | #ffbbff |
plum2 | | #eeaeee |
plum3 | | #cd96cd |
plum4 | | #8b668b |
PowderBlue | | #b0e0e6 |
purple | | #a020f0 |
purple1 | | #9b30ff |
purple2 | | #912cee |
purple3 | | #7d26cd |
purple4 | | #551a8b |
R color names
There is given a list of 14 color names that starts with R letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
red1 | | #ff0000 |
red2 | | #ee0000 |
red3 | | #cd0000 |
red4 | | #8b0000 |
RosyBrown | | #bc8f8f |
RosyBrown1 | | #ffc1c1 |
RosyBrown2 | | #eeb4b4 |
RosyBrown3 | | #cd9b9b |
RosyBrown4 | | #8b6969 |
RoyalBlue | | #4169e1 |
RoyalBlue1 | | #4876ff |
RoyalBlue2 | | #436eee |
RoyalBlue3 | | #3a5fcd |
RoyalBlue4 | | #27408b |
S color names
There is given a list of 48 color names that starts with S letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
SaddleBrown | | #8b4513 |
salmon | | #fa8072 |
salmon1 | | #ff8c69 |
salmon2 | | #ee8262 |
salmon3 | | #cd7054 |
salmon4 | | #8b4c39 |
SandyBrown | | #f4a460 |
SeaGreen1 | | #54ff9f |
SeaGreen2 | | #4eee94 |
SeaGreen3 | | #43cd80 |
SeaGreen4 | | #2e8b57 |
seashell1 | | #fff5ee |
seashell2 | | #eee5de |
seashell3 | | #cdc5bf |
seashell4 | | #8b8682 |
sienna | | #a0522d |
sienna1 | | #ff8247 |
sienna2 | | #ee7942 |
sienna3 | | #cd6839 |
sienna4 | | #8b4726 |
SkyBlue | | #87ceeb |
SkyBlue1 | | #87ceff |
SkyBlue2 | | #7ec0ee |
SkyBlue3 | | #6ca6cd |
SkyBlue4 | | #4a708b |
SlateBlue | | #6a5acd |
SlateBlue1 | | #836fff |
SlateBlue2 | | #7a67ee |
SlateBlue3 | | #6959cd |
SlateBlue4 | | #473c8b |
SlateGray | | #708090 |
SlateGray1 | | #c6e2ff |
SlateGray2 | | #b9d3ee |
SlateGray3 | | #9fb6cd |
SlateGray4 | | #6c7b8b |
snow1 | | #fffafa |
snow2 | | #eee9e9 |
snow3 | | #cdc9c9 |
snow4 | | #8b8989 |
SpringGreen1 | | #00ff7f |
SpringGreen2 | | #00ee76 |
SpringGreen3 | | #00cd66 |
SpringGreen4 | | #008b45 |
SteelBlue | | #4682b4 |
SteelBlue1 | | #63b8ff |
SteelBlue2 | | #5cacee |
SteelBlue3 | | #4f94cd |
SteelBlue4 | | #36648b |
T color names
There is given a list of 19 color names that starts with T letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
tan | | #d2b48c |
tan1 | | #ffa54f |
tan2 | | #ee9a49 |
tan3 | | #cd853f |
tan4 | | #8b5a2b |
thistle | | #d8bfd8 |
thistle1 | | #ffe1ff |
thistle2 | | #eed2ee |
thistle3 | | #cdb5cd |
thistle4 | | #8b7b8b |
tomato1 | | #ff6347 |
tomato2 | | #ee5c42 |
tomato3 | | #cd4f39 |
tomato4 | | #8b3626 |
turquoise | | #40e0d0 |
turquoise1 | | #00f5ff |
turquoise2 | | #00e5ee |
turquoise3 | | #00c5cd |
turquoise4 | | #00868b |
V color names
There is given a list of 6 color names that starts with V letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
violet | | #ee82ee |
VioletRed | | #d02090 |
VioletRed1 | | #ff3e96 |
VioletRed2 | | #ee3a8c |
VioletRed3 | | #cd3278 |
VioletRed4 | | #8b2252 |
W color names
There is given a list of 7 color names that starts with W letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
wheat | | #f5deb3 |
wheat1 | | #ffe7ba |
wheat2 | | #eed8ae |
wheat3 | | #cdba96 |
wheat4 | | #8b7e66 |
white | | #ffffff |
WhiteSmoke | | #f5f5f5 |
Y color names
There is given a list of 5 color names that starts with A letter.
Color Name |
Color |
Color Code |
yellow1 | | #ffff00 |
yellow2 | | #eeee00 |
yellow3 | | #cdcd00 |
yellow4 | | #8b8b00 |
YellowGreen | | #9acd32 |